Help My Starfish


from what i understand your tank is to small for a mandarin. from what i have read you need at least 100 lbs or more live rock. they eat pods that live in the lr, and usually will not take any other food. brittle starfish are easy to feed. they will eat whatever you are feeding your fish or you can give them small pieces of shrimp and stuff like that. hth


what if i get one that eats different foods also , doesnt that happen sometime? i know it may be hard. do u think the mandarin could not trive in my 26g even if i add a bunch of live rock.its still in progress
thank you


from what i understand it is rare to find a mandarin that will eat frozen food.. and i honestly believe your tank is to small...hth


I have heard that the mandarin can be "trained" to be hand fed. I believe that you can feed them live brine shrimp. Not totally positive tho. I am also interested in a mandarin for my 25 gallon tank, but I also have the same problem of not having enough live rocks and pods to sustain the mandarin. Im also not sure of the long term health benefits of the mandarin having a diet of mainly brine shrimp. Maybe a new Mandarin thread should be started to get better input.


my mandarin eats everything that drops in my tank and i only have a 29 gallon (frozen foods, flake foods, and live brine)