Help! My tank crashed


Active Member
Jenni - I would advise against putting macro in your display tank. Currently there is a thread on our local fish board about two people trying to rid their tank of the macro. I would do some searching on refugiums. Personally I would put a refugium on your tank and then trim some macro algea out and feed it to your tang once in a while.
Also - the key is to have patience with this hobby. so once everythign is stablized I'd add your clownfish (they are pretty hardy).
Then wait a month or so for your bioload to be absorbed by the system.
Then add your next fish. I am not 100% sure on Royal Grammas - have heard some people complain they can be bullies
Then wait a month or so - maybe 6 weeks. Then add your Tang - a kole tang stays small and would fit in your tank. Though I'd also start looking for an upgrade if you want to keep a hippo or a purple tang.


I think you would be fine putting it in your tank. Bob loves it and has had a lot of success with it. Most people just don't like the way it looks. And it grows fast so you have to cut it back a lot. But it is very beneficial which is why people keep it in a fuge.
Personally I don't have macro yet, but I soon will. I will probably keep it in a separate tank for a while and see how hard it is to maintain before I add it to display tank though. So many people don't like it that I am thinking it will require a lot of work to keep from taking over the whole tank.


Active Member
If you want macro algae growing in your tank - that's fine.
In a reef tank - it will become a nuisance, because it can grow so darn fast under the right conditions.
Intense lighting found in most reef tanks - will allow caulerpa and other macro's to attach all over your live rock and other structures in the tank.
These are where we keep corals - and so growing caulerpa in the main display tank is a pain in the butt.
This is about a 1/3rd of how much caulerpa I remove from my 18 gallon refugium once a month.
I can only imagine what a job it would be to try and control it's growth in my 75.
Refugiums are best in my opinion - for growing and consuming excess nutrients via macro algae export.
If you have a FO or FOWLR - that's another story.
Macro algae growing in a marine FOWLR is often very nice looking.


I got some today and put it in my tank. Hopefully it will help. I actually ordered it a while back before my tank died on me, but I just got it in the mail today. I don't think it looks too bad and if it starts growing out of control I will just get rid of some of it or sell it. Well thanks everyone, I really appriciate your help and concern. :)


Active Member
Jenni, just remember, once the macro starts attaching to the rock it is REAL hard to get it out if you don't like it. One little piece and it keeps on growing.