HELP! My tank is crashing


I added 8 lbs of live rock to my 26 gallon tank today when i was doing a water change, and my yellow tail damsel and clownfish died in literally 30 minutes. I tested everything and my ammonia is 0, nitrates 0 , nitrites 0, ph is fine. specific gravity is stable at 1.22. What has happened? Is it because i added the live rock? i got it from a local saltwater store and it was only out of water for literally 30 minutes. I use RO/DI water. Please help me!


My coral banded shrimp is doing fine and so are my feather dusters, snails, and hermits.
Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
What was the termperature of the water that you put in the tank? Did you heat the water to the same temperature as the water that was already in the tank?


yes, the water was the same temperature. i've had this tank for 11 months and have had no problems. the damsel and clownfish are dead. the coral banded shrimp, hermits, snails and feather dusters look normal.


Did you happen to notice if your fish were chasing each other around or fighting after the introduction of the new rock?


Active Member
Was the water you used aerated? Could it have been oxygen deprivation?
How covered in algae was the new live rock? Were the lights on or off? Were your powerheads off during your water change?