Help, My Tank Sprung A Leak, Please


My 60 octagon is leaking about half way down. Is there anything i can do besides empty the tank, and seal it. The leak is slow now.

Iam worried about my fish and corals. Please HELP.
PS. I dont have a Quarantine tank and no money to buy another tank.

Thank you Billy


Active Member
I don't know how to fix a leak without 1st emptying the tank. You may want to try duct-tape on the outside of the tank as a very temporary fix.


Active Member
The only thing I can think of is try to seal it from the outside, or if the leak is half way down, drain it to that point and try sealing it there. I'd start looking around for a new tank though. It really sucks when a tank lets go. :D


Thank you for the replies........ I chewed some gum really good so it got hard then put it on the inside of the tank and the leak stoped instantley.. WOW, what a nightmare:confused: I will drain the tank as soon as i have time and try to fix it from the inside. I wish i had the extra cash to buy another tank, i am getting so discuredged. (Seems like one thing after the other latley) But when i look at my fish and corals they put a SMILE on my face:D , so i will push forward.:happyfish
Thank you all, Billy


Does it have a warranty.
I know all-glass has a lifetime warranty.
And i think perfecto does too.
Well you can always get a bigger tank .
That will cheer you up.:D


Active Member
repairing leak inside tank:
1. Locate the exact source of the leak and mark it with a felt tip marker.
2. Reduce the water level in the tank until the leak stops.
3. Thoroughly dry and clean the area of and around the leak with a paper towel, or soft cloth.
4. With the razor blade, scrape the existing silicone from the leaking area, and an additional one inch area around the source of the leak.
5. Clean the scraped area with the acetone applied to a paper towel, being careful not to over staturate it or allow any acetone to run or drip down into the aquarium, and let dry for a few minutes.
6. Apply the silicone sealant to the cleaned area, working it into the glass joint area.
7. Allow the silicone to cure for at least 12 hours, 24 is better.
8. Refill the tank with water to the desired level.
9. Check to see if the repair worked and the leak has stopped.


Scubadu, thanks for the great info.:D
Got the tank secound hand, so no warranty dmc888.
Well you can always get a bigger tank .
I like that idea, not enough funds yet.:)


Active Member
MAKE SURE that you use aqurium grade silicon if you try to repair it yourself. If you don't you could kill everything in it because regular silicon does not fully cure like aquarium grade will. Uncured silicon releases acids into the water.



Originally posted by BillR70
My 60 octagon is leaking about half way down. Is there anything i can do besides empty the tank, and seal it. The leak is slow now.

Iam worried about my fish and corals. Please HELP.
PS. I dont have a Quarantine tank and no money to buy another tank.

Thank you Billy

where on the tank is th leef, can u take out the watter to that point and then put aga's silicone sealer??



Originally posted by BillR70
My 60 octagon is leaking about half way down. Is there anything i can do besides empty the tank, and seal it. The leak is slow now.

Iam worried about my fish and corals. Please HELP.
PS. I dont have a Quarantine tank and no money to buy another tank.

Thank you Billy

where on the tank is th leef, can u take out the watter to that point and then put aga's silicone sealer??


The leak is about 3/4 the way down the tank. I think i will take out the water tommorrow, put my fish and corals in buckets and PRAY that they make it.
Iam so worryed about stressing or killing any fish or corals.
I have tank silicone so i wont hurt them with that.
Thanks everyone and wish me luck. Billy


Active Member
Put your fish in low lighting when they are in the bucket. If they are right out in the open, they will feel vulnerable and have no place to hide and could die from stress. I put a towel over my fish to block out the light whenever I move them and I have never lost one that way.