help!!!! my yellow tang has black ich!!!


my water parameters are
nitrate 10 ppm
calcium 500
alk normal
temp 78
salt 1.024
help i have a 25% water change ready should i do it help!!!!


my lfs says if all my nitrate alk and cal is all good then everything is ill do the water change right now what should i do to the fish??? i have inverts so i cant use meds help!!!!


Active Member
aww, the BLACK ICH i had that on my tang. gave it a fresh water bath for 1 minute, than the next day it was gone


should i de clorinate the weater i do the dip in? what do i do the in? how long do i do it? how long ago was the black ich problem u had? how do u know its all gone now? help im freaking out


Active Member
Heel? Im but sure what you're saying, but I knwo htat copper treatment kills almost everything in the water.


Active Member
ya u can use copper but if that stuff gets into your reef it can destroy every thing. i had the ich for like 1 month. i diped it in declorinated water for 1 min. it never came back but he got stung by my lion and now is dead. but it never came back. i would dip him more than once. do it every day until its gone


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
should i de clorinate the weater i do the dip in? what do i do the in? how long do i do it? how long ago was the black ich problem u had? how do u know its all gone now? help im freaking out

black ich is accually a worm like paresite :
Symptoms: Flicking and scratching against rocks and other surfaces, small black spots on the body.
Comments: This disease is caused by small parasitic worms. The black spots are usually not as numerous as those in white spot disease. Also, black spot disease is not nearly as deadly.
Treatment: If the infestation is minor, a 5 minute freshwater bath may prove effective. Discontinue the freshwater bath if the fish begins to become overly stressed. For worse cases, use a copper or trichlorofon based solution. In a reef tank environment, the infected fish must be moved to a hospital tank for treatment. Never add copper compounds to an aquarium containing inverts.
always use dechlorinated water for fish use ro water if you have it will need a clean bucket( 5 gal water fill bucket works well for this)add enough water to completly cover fish and allow swimming space 1 or 2 gal usually is sufficiant. the water must be ph balenced to that of the display tank and also the same temp as to lesson shock on your fish leave fish for five min as stated above.good luck i hope this works i took this information from another site.we didnt have info yet


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
w/e i dont feel like argueing
one of the following treatments above should posted should be stated for mild cases a dip should do the trick more heavier infestations use one of the 2 suggested.there may be other options available as far as medications go those were just the 2 suggested


i know thank you unleashed i was just saying qting one fish isnt going to fix the problem cause its al over in my tank not just on the fish


My yellow tang had black Ich about 4 months ago. I tried formalin baths, as well as copper, and it cured it for a week, but then came back. The only thing I've had complete success with is Hyposalinity treatment in a QT tank. I would try that, but for at least 5 weeks, or it won't take IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
i know thank you unleashed i was just saying qting one fish isnt going to fix the problem cause its al over in my tank not just on the fish
depending on the size tank you have these fish in i do suggest setting up a qt for all of your fish .


Active Member
My yellow tang once had a mild case of black ich and I just fed it garlic soaked foods and rode it out... it went away on it's own.