Help My Yellow Tang Is Chasing My Copper Butterfly


Hey guys I got a copperband butterfly today and now he is being chased around the tank by my yellow tang! Is this normal? Thanks


Active Member
What size tank?? How long has the tang been in there and with what other livestock??
Tangs are territorial....I have a sailfin and I added a Magnificent Foxface and the Sailfin chased him, but after a day or so they became best friends!!


The tank is a 90 gal. The tang has been in there for three weeks, but he has been the biggest fish in a smaller tank for a while. In the tank now are 2 clownfish, copperband butterfly of course, baggani cardinal, firefish goby, and blue damsel. Along with snails and peppermint shrimp and my Coral banded shrimp.


Active Member
Yeah....I'd say its normal.....but be aware that the tang gets semi big and the Copperband gets pretty big too so you may have a lot more serious fights as they both get bigger in a 90 gallon.


Its normal, however, tangs are territorial so it should be the last fish you add. He might continue to harass.


Active Member
I have never heard of CBB and YT were so mean to each other. That is a good idea about the pictures on the tank.


I put a picture on the tank and it seemed to calm him down. Looks as if the aggression is starting to calm a bit.