Help NanoCube makes a funny noise


Active Member
Well I set up my NanoCube 12 DXyesterday. Today when I went to put un the lights the balast (Black box that lights plug into) the box made a funny noise like a clicking. It almost sounded like a old florecent light from when I was a kid. Except on steroids. It was a loud clicking. It is defintally comming from the balast and not in the tank. Although One of the output dongles (quick connects) works intermitently.
Anythoughts? Bad box? Man I just set it up and I dont want to have to take it down.


no, thats not good. I would take it back. Maybe you can just trade out the hood. Check with who you got it from. They should just be able to swap out the hood and send it back.
Return the hood.... Not a good noise.
Is this one of the new nanocubes w/ false back/filter/skimmer systems? They are cool.. Got a few posted on e-bay.


Active Member
Spoke to JBL and they were very nice. They told me to take the top and balast back to the store for a new one. I guess I am taking a ride to Boca.