Help! Naso tang ate part of torch coral


My Naso tang ate part of my torch coral now looks lifeless....I think he is going to die! He just lays at the bottom of the tank and doesnt move unless i make him. I wonder if i should take him out before he dies and contaminates the rest of my fish or should i just let him stay and maybe he will over come it? what would you all do? Thanks


Wait and see what happens, he won't hurt the tank until he's actually dead. If he dies take him out right then, that shouldn't really kill him though.


Active Member
If you feel he's pretty bad off, you should QT him, keep the lights off and keep the flow mild until he gets the strength up to move, but make sure there's an adequate O2 supply for him. If you don't have a QT the only thing you can really do is watch him and hope for the best.


Well the worst happened, he DIED......Very sad he was a nice looking fish.. my wife said she was watching him and he started to twitch and he went from very dark to white in just a few seconds, at that point i new he was gone and removed him from my tank....May he rest in fish heaven/