Help!!! Need info on hypo.


Active Member
I have to treat my fish for ich. I only have the swing arm hydrometer and I can not get a refractometer in my area. I want to hypo. What can I do??? My coral beauty is covered. :mad: :help: :help:


Active Member
I would not feel comfortable performing hyposalinity on a fish without having a refractometer on hand. The window of error is far too open without using one.
How long has the fish had ich? Does it still eat? Do you have the means available to order a refractometer from here?


You can order an excellent one for $39.99 from this site. It comes pre-calibrated. I agree with Lion_crazz, a hydrometer is far off. Hyposalinity needs to be done precisely to be effective.


Active Member
It's had it for about a week. Small spots at first. I should have known. But I have a lot of white substrate particles my clown stirs up around the anenome and I thought it might be sticking to him because it would go away. My clown doesn't have a speck on him and the royal gramma is just getting a few. I will order one from this site and start hypo ASAP. And yes they are all still eating. The coral beauty, the worst out of the three ich wise, is a pig. ***) Thanks for the help.


Originally Posted by gypsana
It's had it for about a week. Small spots at first. I should have known. But I have a lot of white substrate particles my clown stirs up around the anenome and I thought it might be sticking to him because it would go away. My clown doesn't have a speck on him and the royal gramma is just getting a few. I will order one from this site and start hypo ASAP. And yes they are all still eating. The coral beauty, the worst out of the three ich wise, is a pig. ***) Thanks for the help.
If it is on the tail and/or fins, it is not the particles from the sand. I once had a CB that was covered in ich that still ate like a pig. You need to treat ASAP.


Originally Posted by gypsana
I know but I need the refractometer. Can I wait for that???
Can you get some Methylene blue tommorow? You can give them a bath in that for a few hours. Use tank water in a bucket (do NOT put this med in your tank!). It will help. Do you have a qt set up or are you going to remove all of the rocks and inverts from your display? I do not know where SWF ships from off hand. When you order the refractometer you will get an email that will tell you when it will get to you.


Active Member
Another big problem. I am going out of town tomorrow, just overnight. I have a small tank set up and cycled already and I have some quick cure. Should I put them in there with the quick cure until I get the refractometer. I definitely want to remove them from the DT for 6 weeks.


Active Member
I ordered a refractometer from somewhere that had overnight shipping. That will get it to me by Monday. Can I start hypo slowly in my other tank with out it?


Active Member
I would just wait until you get the refractometer so that you can be precise in your measurements. If they are all still eating, I would not be overly worried.
Do not use the quick cure. This might stress them more than help them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
I ordered a refractometer from somewhere that had overnight shipping. That will get it to me by Monday. Can I start hypo slowly in my other tank with out it?
Sure. Use your existing hydrometer and drop the salinity a couple ppt's every 2-3 hours. There is a tolerable margin of error when lowering salinity, and your hydrometer will work until you the get the better instrument.


Originally Posted by gypsana
Another big problem. I am going out of town tomorrow, just overnight. I have a small tank set up and cycled already and I have some quick cure. Should I put them in there with the quick cure until I get the refractometer. I definitely want to remove them from the DT for 6 weeks.
Quick cure is rather harsh. If anything, I would begin the hypo and adjust it to 1.009 once you get the refractomter.


Active Member
I am going to wait until Sunday to move them let the stress of that wear off and start hypo on Monday. I hope he fairs well until then. Thanks for all of your help. It is much appreciated.


Originally Posted by gypsana
I am going to wait until Sunday to move them let the stress of that wear off and start hypo on Monday. I hope he fairs well until then. Thanks for all of your help. It is much appreciated.

We are all here anytime you have any questions at all


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You can order an excellent one for $39.99 from this site. It comes pre-calibrated. I agree with Lion_crazz, a hydrometer is far off. Hyposalinity needs to be done precisely to be effective.
I was arguing with a guy about hydrometer readings compared to refractometers.
ha, refractometers are the way...