help! need more water flow


i want some help from some of you. I want to change my water flow system. i now have powerheads but dont want them to stop and have a problem with electricity going through my tank and not be able to get to the ones burried in my tank. do i use an external or large submersible pump to avoid these problems? Thanks in advance for input!


Active Member
that choice, is entirely up to you, do you mind the appearance of submersible, or can you hide tham in the rock?
the advantage to externals is appearance, if that is a good thing to you, then that is what i'd use, i have all submersibles, they are easy ot remove and work on, where externals have a bit of plumbing involved too(not much but some)


do youo mean submersibles in the sump or tank?
if in the sump, what size to pump enough to have about 3 discharges in the tank?


Active Member
oooooops, i didn't realize you meant a large submersible in your sump,
i don't have a sump system myself, but am trying to decide between a refugium or sump rihtg now, so i can't help there,
however, i can add that, a submersible in the tank, or sump is still in the same body of water, and sw still has the ability to carry a current; so in your water column, no matter where, still poses the same threat you mentioned, so i'd go with an external, if that is your concern