Help! need nano info


New Member
I just purchased a 24 gal JBJ Nano Cube. I was told by my fish store to get 40 lbs of live sand and because of my budget i only have 12 lbs of cured live rock. I plan on buying 12 more lbs to equal 24 lbs of LR. Im a little confused on how long my lights should run during this cycle process. Im also confused on how to tell were the water evaporation will come from. will i notice it in the back filter location or in the main tank. How often should i do water changes? i was told once a month.Also I just have equipment that I mentioned above, what other products are a necesity to maintain this tank.please help me with additional info. thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ram36
I just purchased a 24 gal JBJ Nano Cube. I was told by my fish store to get 40 lbs of live sand and because of my budget i only have 12 lbs of cured live rock. I plan on buying 12 more lbs to equal 24 lbs of LR. Im a little confused on how long my lights should run during this cycle process. Im also confused on how to tell were the water evaporation will come from. will i notice it in the back filter location or in the main tank. How often should i do water changes? i was told once a month.Also I just have equipment that I mentioned above, what other products are a necesity to maintain this tank.please help me with additional info. thanks
Congradulations on your purchase...... I have the same setup!!!!! As for LR the more you put in there the better...... up to about 2 LBS Per G! I ran my lighting for only 8 hours a day, just long enough for me to watch my rock........ But belive me ... it is ALIVE!!!!!! The hood has alot of holes and stuff..... But when I had my hood and kept it at 76 degrees, I had about a cup of evap every 2 days.... now I have my hood off and my temp is still 76 degrees and I have 3 cups a day!!!!!! You will notice evap. in both locations...... it will effect both sides....... Once you have Cycled and you are about a week after your levels are great, you cold do Weekly 10% water changes..... or biweekly 20% water changes..... As long as you got your heater also, you should be set.... you have a good set up!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ram36
should i take out the ceramic bio things in the back of my cube.
The best way to say this is..... IF you plan on doing regualar maintenance cleaning them, then leave them they are great, but if you dont plan on too much maintenance... it will trun in to a problem!!!!!! Maintenance goes a long way!!!!!


A 10% water change once a week will give you great water conditions. That is what I do on all my reef tanks and my tanks are very healthy.