Help! Need steps for setting up!


Hi All, well, thanks to good help & advice, I was able to fill my tank up this afternoon! This is a 55 gal, FOWLR (will be). I have filled up with RO water and used 50 lbs of rinsed playsand as base, I have 30 lbs of LS to add too. ??When do I add the salt mix & LS? When the temp finally rises? I'm at about 60 degrees right now.... Or do I wait 'til the temp rises & the water clears? I figured the salt would dissolve better in warmer water & I might damage the LS? I also have my LR coming in about 2 weeks, I should wait to cycle then, right? I should not put a shrimp in now, correct? Thanks for your help!! :jumping:


i added my salt right away. then added the rock when i got it later on. cycle took alot longer but it all worked out.


Should I add the LS now? I have now filled the tank with saltwater & a playsand base...water is at 75 deg. Or should I wait to add it when I get the LR & start the cycle then. If I start a cycle now, I'm just going to start another cycle when I add the LR, right? Thanks!!