Help! Need to lower ph


Hi - I just checked my levels and my pH is off the chart, at least 8.8. Ammonia, nitrites are 0, what should I do? Carbonate hardness around 6-7. How can I lower the pH? I've got a 29g tank with 2 clowns and 1 firefish, frogspawn and zoos. I have about 30 lbs live rock and a 2 inch live sand bed currently having a red algae problem. Tank is 4 months old.
Any help appreciated! Thanks.


Any ideas as to why it is this high? Have you changed salt mixes or added a buffer? What is the PH of your mixed water before you add it to the tank?


I have no idea why it's so high - I did a small water change yesterday, about 4 gallons, using Instant Ocean. I didn't test that water's pH before adding... I haven't added anything to the tank for a while. I was using B-Ionic, the 2 part one, to stabilize my calcium which is around 370 right now, but haven't added that for at least 2 weeks.


OK, test your source water. Make a batch of SW and test the PH tomorrow after it has mixed. If you are using instant ocean then the ph should be 8.2 adjust it if it is not. Do a larger water change to dillute it out (no more than 10-15% at a time) it may take a few changes to bring it down low enough. You don't want the drop to be drastic. Add the water gradually.


Is it OK to leave the pH this high until tomorrow? My frogspawn doesn't look too happy - it's not as open as usual. I'm also working to get the right flow for it. Does pH affect corals? Sorry - I'm very new at this. Thanks for your help!
Also - I'm using RO water.


OH - I also stirred up a bit of the sand yesterday while changing water, trying to suck up some of the red algae. Maybe the first 1/4 - 1/2 inch, but just in two areas. Could that have released something to cause a pH spike?