Help Needed for Next Fish


I have a 125 gallon FOWLR tank...its been established for 3 years. I have 2 pec. clowns (nice size), coral beauty about 3 inches, hippo tang around 5-6 inches, and a yellow wrase about 4-5 inches long.
These guys have been together at least a year and a half without any additions. They get a long great, once in a while the hippo will chase the wrase if he goes near his home.
I want to add a few more fish. Ive had major algea problems so as a result I took out my rock, scrubbed it and hope this works....Ive been adding algea controls and got better lighting.
I added an algea blenny 2 days ago and they dont bother with him. My local pet store told me to add a small fox face....would this be a good idea.....i want like 2 fish at same time so they dont focus on just the new addition.
How about a small 6 line wrase...would that not work with the yellow wrase?
Im looking for fish that will eat algea and blend in with the rest of my guys. Plz help!!!!!


Active Member
I added 2 tangs at the same time and my stupid damsel made sure he picked on them both. if they are mean they are gonna pick at the new additions


Active Member
I bought a Magnificent Foxface a few months ago....We grazes and rips through algae sheets, along with my Sailfin and Blonde Naso tangs. He has a lot of personality except his is frightened easily. I definitely suggest a foxface....they are great fish!!


do you think my hippo will pick on one if i get like a smaller foxface......the hippo is like the king of the tank now but he is skitzy/scared some of the time...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MJordan23
do you think my hippo will pick on one if i get like a smaller foxface......the hippo is like the king of the tank now but he is skitzy/scared some of the time...
My sailfin was the same way, Queen of the Tank....but that quickly stopped. I think it took a day maybe 2 for the two to get along, but now they are always together!!


New Member
I have a powder brown tang and I just added a Foxface on Tuesday. The tang instantly attacked him. I quickly rearranged a few things and turned the lights out for awhile and now they are fine. Only took a few hours for them to get OK! The foxface is great. I can't believe how much algae he has eat already!


Active Member
i am also a big fan or corporal punishment such as a spanking or a whack across the fins with a wooden ruler if they get out of