Help needed with starfish


Ok... I have a sand sifting starfish that is about 4inches from armtip to arm tip. I have heard that they can regenerate from almost any wound, but i need to know what would be considered a mortal wound, and how to tell if he is dead/dying? also what should I do to/for him to help him recover from his wounds? please help, the lfs only left me more confused.
thanx for the help
-=CY <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


ok... i realize that this should have been put into the disease and treatment, sorry about that... I just got back from school, where I posted my original message. Two of the strfish legs look like they are still trying to move, and two more are falling apart. his other leg is not doing anything at the moment I will anybody please help quickly? I really don't want to loose him.
-=cy :mad: <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


A starfish will regenerate as long as it's disk is not hurt. Check your Ph level. Most starfish are extremely sucseptible to non perfect Ph. HTH


What happened that the legs are falling apart...? Di you buy him like that, or something got to him...?
In other words, is it a wound, or a disease...?


first thing that got to him was peppermint shrimp...they tore small hole in middle of him, but he was still moving and responding to environment. every time he tried to bury himself though, shrimp dug him up. moved shrip to another tank. later noticed that hermit crab were snacking next morning on leg tips. removed all crabs that could be found, and other crustations. starfish still responsive to environment.
by time returned from work, legs started to fall apart. four other legs still responsive.
last night he died due to numerous wounds. very sad. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Could the crustations just have been eating the rotting flesh of the starfish? I wasn't aware that peppermint shrimp would eat meaty foods of living critters (although they do eat aipitasi(sp)).


the starfish was about 3 months in the tank. i think he may have been shocked due to recent water change, but he was deffinatly still living, at least till the shrimp got to him. the lfs said they might do that if they ran out of aipitasi or worms or other things, that they would go after other slow moving creatures that were un able to get away... i don't have any snails left, and most of my smaller hermit crabs are gone, just empty shells. you shoulda seen the size of the peppermints... HUGE! anyways, the lfs let me trade tehm in for a new percula.