Help Needed


I have a situation and need advice. I have a Purple Tang currently in QT. In my display I have a Hippo that now has Ich, along with two clowns. The QT that the Purple Tang is in is a 20 gal long with a sponge filter that was seeded in my sump for 3 weeks. I have an extra 10 gal that I want to move the Purple Tang to and take the Hippo and Clowns and move them to the 20 gal long and put them in hypo, leaving my display fishless for 40/50 days. I do not have an extra sponge in my sump, I have a whisper filter that I can use. So my plan is to use the water in my 20 gal long and add 10 gallons to the 10 gallon tank, since that water already cycled and use the whisper filter on the ten gallon. Then leave the sponge in the 20 gal long and refill that with 10 gallons from my display. Do you think this plan will work? I am afraid of an ammonia spike in the 10 gallon, since the whisper filter media has not been seeded. Let me know if this sounds ok so if I need to do anything differently? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Do you know anyone locally that would be willing to help you? If so, get a filter sponge from them just so you can seed your 10 gallon tank.
You will indeed get an ammonia spike, so if you cannot find anyone to help you, I would be sure to have water mixed and aerated at all times so that you can do daily water changes on the 10 gallon tank. I would also consider picking up a bottle of Cycle or Stability to try and speed up the cycle in the 10 gallon tank.


Active Member
Very good on both of the things you have done already. Hopefully you will find someone willing to give you a filter sponge.
If anything, post the city and state you live in on here and I am sure you will be able to find someone locally who could give you a helping hand.


Thanks for the quick respone! Also I was wondering if a RBTA could carry Ich. My water parameters are fine, I do weekly water changes. I feed my hippo a variety of food always soaked in garlic and vita-chem. I recently added a RBTA and two days later I noticed the spots on the hippo. I QT all my fish, but not the RBTA. And if anyone in central NJ has a seeded sponge please let me know. Thanks


If I can't find anyone with a seeded sponge filter do you think it would be a bad idea to just add the hippo and clowns with the purple tang in the 20 gallon long? Since that tank has already cycled and has the seeded sponge filter. I am just concerned since the purple tang is perfectly heathly that I would be adding the hippo who has ich and also afraid they might fight. I am just trying to determine the best course of action.


Active Member
Well, if you add the hippo, clowns, and such, you will expose the purple to ich, but at least you know he will be ich free after 4 to 6 weeks.
You are afraid of them fighting. Aren't they going to the same display tank?
And to answer your question, the RBTA could have brought the ich in on its base. Is this the only new addition you brought home to your tank?


Well the display tank is much bigger then my QT and I know it is good to add the Purple last since they can be territorial. Anyway I am just going to closely monitor the Purple in the ten gallon and do frequent water changes, rather then expose him to ich.
Yes the RBTA is the only new addition to my tank. I guess I learned my lesson.

Thanks again for all your help.


I am so sorry that these things have to be learned the hard way. I am glad that you know to qt EVERYTHING now. I hope all goes well :happyfish