Help needed


The 2" hole in the bottom of my tank was covered with silicon then a piece of glass to seal it off. What is the best way to get the darn peice of glass unsealed. I have been fighting with a razor blade for about 20 minutes and have not made very much progress.....
Thanks in advance


Hi Steve!~
Felt bad seeing no replies! No expert here; but, maybe you could break or cut the glass to give you a bit more leverage? That or use a razor to cut the silicon...
Hope this gets you a bump up and more informed responses! <smile>


Active Member
Yeah, maybe break it someway and then pry up the pieces to cut the silicon. I can't think of anything else.


Got it out, at least in little pieces. I had to use an automatic punch to break the glass into small bits then scrape them off with a hobby knife chissel. Took about an hour to finish. I held my breath with the first punch I made hoping not to break the aquarium. I have a new found respect for aquarium silicon.