HELP! Never had salt before!


I have to run the UV to keep my sponge from growing out of the tank and attacking anybody that comes near my fishtank...
It already got pissed and knocked my canopy off.:p


HEHEHE. I like where this is going with the giant tree sponge!!! On a more serious note however about UV sterilizers in FO tanks and reef tanks.
I have a mixed tank as you can see from down below. The benefits of the UV to the fish, I believe, is although not essential very beneficial. Before adding the UV I had problems with fish shaking and rubbing against LR after I added it after about a month of garlic feeding and adding the UV no more problems with the fish. This may be for several reasons that maybe I am not seeing, but I thing the combo of garlic and UV are benefiacial.
As far as reef tank goes. The UV is proven to kill free floating algae which will help kill nusiance algae however still kill the good stuff. Nonetheless, after about 6 months I am starting to notice coraline algae even in spite of the UV. By adding phytoplankton to the tank you can help corals immensly making up for possible damage done by the UV not to mention partial water changes every 2 or 3 weeks.
This is hotlly debated and I BY NO means think a UV is essential to the overall operation of a healthy tank; however, I do believe it is beneficial to FO and Reefs by killing bacteria and algae. Replacements for good things killed can be done with additives and water changes. The benefit should be weighed with the cost too! Its all up to the indivdual hobbyest to experiment and choose what equipment is needed for a good environment. GOOD LUCK to all