Help-new Aussie harlequin Tusk not eating!!!


I got an Aussie Harlequin Tusk shipped in from Australia from an importer this weekend. I picked up the fish Sun @ 1pm and its now Tues. 9:30pm. I tried clam, krill, shrimp all soaked in garlic. I even wenttonight to LFS and got 10 small hermits. (he doesnt seem interested at all).
Water parameters are all fine, he seems to be loosing his stress coat Im guessing, it looks like hes shedding skin, hes not timid and does not hide, he seems a bit lethargic.
Any suggestions, he's a beautiful fish and I'd hate to lose him!!!
By the way, how long can a fish go without eating?


i'd say this guy can go a little whie without eating. i had a lionfish once go almost 2 weeks without eating. lost a little bit of size but started eating again. i'd give it some more time and maybe try soaking your food in garlic for him. that always gets them going. how big is it, though...
and if you don't mind, how much did it set you back?


hmmm...sorry i guess you tried garlic already. well maybe just needs more time to acclimate
pictures? how big is your setup? aggressive or reef? would love pics of this as well.


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
hmmm...sorry i guess you tried garlic already. well maybe just needs more time to acclimate
pictures? how big is your setup? aggressive or reef? would love pics of this as well.
he's in a 40 breeder quarentine tank right now. soon to go into 215gal.semi aggresive reef. he's about 5" and very plump. Here are a couple pics, I'm not too good with the camera-he actually looked much better-pics taken yesterday.



just put one in my tank a few days ago from the LFS and let him acclimate to the tank for two days. He didn't eat silversides I tried to feed him the day after getting in the tank so I put in some live ghost shrimp and he went to town chasing them. He then ate silversides off a feeding prong no problem. Try ghost shrimp to liven up his natural hunting instinct and then try frozen again. He looks great to me so I wouldn't worry about him starving for a few days to a week or so


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
and if you don't mind, how much did it set you back?

Mine cost me $70 @ LFS this past weekend