help new clown fighting


Active Member
I have a small tomatoe clown, and today i bought a noticably larger blacker tomatoe clown hoping that they would pair up, well they started off by wiggily their tails at each other now they biteing and fighting each other, how long does it take for them to stop fighting and pair up. btw i have no anenome would it help if i got one?


Active Member
All I know is they can be very aggressive and territorial. They may never settle down completely.

bang guy

They may never pair up. They probably will but there is no guarantee that the female will find your new offering a acceptable mate.


If the fighting gets to rough, you may need to seperate them or remove 1. The best way is to add one much smaller if possible from a community tank further increasing your chance of obtaining a male. Did you get the PM? Hope you get this sorted out.


getting an anemone might be a bad idea they might fight more over it. my tomatos get along great but the female wont let the male anywhere near her anemone.


Active Member
well i caught the blacker larger one and put it in an eggcrate cage in the tank to keep them seperated until i take it back.good news i got a gbta and my clown hosted it in 24 hours.


If you're gonna get another clown, get a smaller one not a bigger one. If yours had switched to a female already and you bring home a bigger one that might have switched, you'll have 2 females and they will fight until one of them dies. So if you have one clown and you want add another, always add a smaller one. It is better to add 2 juvs and let them decide who is gonna be the boss.


Active Member
i dont think im goning to get another clown, i already bought a gbta and my tomatoe hosts it already so im gonna take the tomatoe back and swap it for something else.