Help - New Coral Beauty won't eat


I've had a new CB for 3 days now. I took a chance purchasing her because she was only at the LFS for a day, but she is very fat and appears to be in excellent health. She's obviously had a great life so far wherever she lived!
I have a well established 20g QT tank. In the tank with the CB is a firefish goby and 2 small reef chromis, all of whom I've had in the tank for 3 months.
The tank params are good: 80 deg, 1.020SG, 8.2pH, zero ammo & nitrite. There's a few pieces of live rock, some fake plants, and CC on the bottom - it could easily be someone's main tank for small fish.

The CB just hides behind the rock on the left all the time. Occassionally she'll swim across the back of the tank, such as if I approach.
So far I've tried flakes, cyclopeze (frozen), frozen Formula 1, and frozen mysis shrimp. I've seen her approach a flake or two and quickly turn away, that's it. All of my fish go absolutely nuts for cyclopeze, so I am very surprised even that isn't working. I've also rubber-banded some nori to a rock, which she ignored 2 days in a row.
Such a fat, beautiful fish, she obviously knows how to eat.
I once had a new flame angel in my QT, a gorgeous fish. I tried for 4 days to get her to eat and she simply refused. Stupidly, I put her in my main tank - she looked really good, and I felt it was the only way she'd eat. She ate almost INSTANTLY once she was in the big reef tank with all the corals. And 2 weeks later she was covered with ich (which she brought into my main tank, thank you). She ended up dying from ich after 4 mos. My point in mentioning this is it's almost like a psychological thing to get some fish to eat.
So, what can I do?


Active Member
She is beautiful. Mine ate live brine shrimp the first few days, them some homemade fish food i made myself, after afew days of that, she began eating everything but nori sheets, she wouldn't touch them till i got a yellow tang and now she eats the sheets also.


Coral Beauty's are a shy fish as are most when you first introduce them to a new tank, give it time, if shes looking healthy and swims out for a bit,but for all you know she could be eatting when your not watching. just my few scence


a new fish thats not eating for a few days is nothing out of the norm. try offering frozen brine or mysis to entice it. but dont feed brine on a daily basis, it has no nutritional value, unless vitamin or garlic is in it. i would only start to worry if this goes one for a more than a week. good luck she is a beauty!

flame guy

yeah! I'd say give it some time and a little patient as long as you keep your q tank in optimum cond. good luck, oh, pretty fish by the way.

who dey

Active Member
she'll eat when she gets hungry!!! here's mine took a week for her first meal. now 8mths old in the tank


Well, all I can say is....
After many attempts over many days with everything except Ben & Jerry's, tonight I tossed in some frozen mysis shrimp with a little garlic extreme. Mmmm, just like at Olive Garden. She came out from her rock, and CHOMP! Thank you sir! May I have another? CHOMP. YEAH !!!!
Five days in the making. The relief is huge. I was already starting to look for TAPS.MP3 on the internet.
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone.