HELP!!!! new corals


okay guys....I am not a coral reefers I have always had FOWLR. However..yesterday my husband and I closed a restaurant here that had a SW tank full of corals and fish. I couldn't get anyone to take the fish or corals here so I just brought them home myself and am adjusting my tanks to them. My question is I don't know alot about them but am learning as I have down some research.
I have a few questions...1. there is some hair algae growing on some of the corals...what can I do? 2. other than mag and calcium what other supplements do I need to calcium is around 460, I think that is what is was anyway....3. I am gonna post a pic will you see if you recognize anything and tell me what it would be. I know some of the corals but not all of them therefore I can research what I dont know. I still have about 10 pieces that I am gonna put in my 75 but can't right now as it has been in hypo for 2 weeks so I have to bring it back up. Right now they are in a 10 gal with not alot of you think they will be okay for now?
Everything that I see in the pic are mushrooms. Do you have any other pics of what you got? I would if I were you get the corals in a tank that has proper light ASAP.


Active Member
It looks like some sort of mushroom to me. They are lower light corals. Mine, once acclimated to a lot of light really have ballooned out in size. You will want to keep the cal at 420-450. 460 is good IMO. Once you begin putting more corals in the tank, they will start absorbing that calcium and it will take a little effort to maintain it at 450. You will also want to control the alk. You'll get varying opinions on this. I try to keep mine between 3-3.5 meg/l (I think this is the right scale). I typically use something like seachem reef builder and reef complete to acheive the levels that I want initially. I then use a two-part additive (instead of kalkwasser) daily to maintain those levels. It has really stabalized my calcium, alk, and ph for quite some time now. Broomer had a great thread a while ago about the relationship between calcium-alk-ph. I recommend digging that up. Once established, it isn't that difficult to maintain your levels. It is really just establishing a routine IMO. I hope this helps to some degree.