help new so sw tanks


Active Member
i might be starting a 36 gallon sw tank. it is now glass but some sort of acryllic.
what would i need to start a tank .(double check for me ) and also could you make a list of things like fish, live rock and wheater to put sand or stone on the bottom.???!
or do you think it would be eisier to start with a nano tank that has everything with it 2 c if i like it?
thanx in advance


well i will help you out a little, you are going to need live rock and live sand and for a tank that size it will come to 200 max.
you would most likely want to run and emperor 280 or 400 because these are some of the easier filters to use in SW; and invest in a protein skimmer (maybe not depending on how many fish you want to keep)
once you get the rock and sand in the tank, setup the filters and let it run for about a month and then buy a test kit to test nitrates nitrites and ammonia;
then your tank will be able to add fish and the fun will begin!!!!


Originally Posted by leftyblite
Try this to set up a saltwater aquarium...The consientous Marine Aquarist by Rob Fenner. I was a great help

This Book will give you a step by step as to how to create a proper enviornment!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Symon
This Book will give you a step by step as to how to create a proper enviornment!
Great book, just dissregard (sp) the underground filter recommendation and go with a hang on the back filter as stated above. Do alot of research on here using the search bar at top and ask before you buy anything so as to not waste your money.