Help Newbie..ich or not?


Hi um, I feel a little stupid, but i have a Royal Gramma, a clown goby and a six-line wrasse that has what looks like white specks on them, almost looks like dust. The two clown fish (nemos :) ) dont have it. Its a 30 gallon.
1 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Peppermint shrimp
Snails Hermit crabs
1 Brittle star
Salinity 1.024
Temp 81
Amm 0
Trite 0
Trate 20 ppm
I have no idea if this is ick or not, they dont seem stressed although as they are all eating wonderfully and swimming around normally. I did have a filter go out the other night while I was sleeping and they had to wait until I got home from work at 6 pm the next day until I had a new filter for them.
Is this ick?


Active Member
Take a look at the disease pictures at the top of this forum and tell me if the ich is what your fish looks like.


Well, it DID look like the pictures sort of last night, but its gone today. Except the clown gobys spots look more like the lymphitis, or whatever it was called. i dont know. I'm sorry. I am just worried and dont want to lose them due to my lack of knowledge.


Active Member
What are you feeding the fish?
Are you using garlic and vitamins?
Do you know your pH and kH(alkalinity)?


They were perfect according to the Master Saltwater test kit. I cant remember the numbers now. 8.2 was my ph though.
I feed them mysis (frozin), pellet, blood worms, cut up scallops and squid, finally chopped krill . I just switch them all out from day to day. They get the pellet & mysis everyday, but the rest of it I grind in a blender and give them a small bit of it. They go crazy for it. I havent used garlic or vitamins at all. for one thing they all eat like crazy so i just figured I didnt need to add anything to their food. Am i wrong?


Active Member
It sounds like you know what you are doing. You have a nice variety, so the vitamins are not essential. However, the garlic would be very beneficial.