Help!!! Newborn Kitten!!!


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We found an abondoned new born kitten! What should i do as far as feeding? Any help is apreciated. Vet isnt open until monday

the j.o.p.

i believe they sell baby cat formula @ pet stores. i tried to call a vet tech friend of mine but she's not answering.


Active Member
go to a pet store and buy some KMR kitten milk replacer, get a feedign bottle and feed it as per the instructions on the lable. use a heat pad wraped in a really thick towel to keep it warm, I say really thick because you dont want it to get too hot it'll dehydrate. your going to be feeding it every couple hours for quite a while. any guess on how new the kitten is?
set up a box so it is confined and cvant wander too far from the heat but make sure it can get off the heat pad.


Active Member
How old do you think the kitten is? But basically for now you will want to keep it warm, and you will need to bottle feed it.


Active Member
Yeah what Z said. We fostered some kittens and I used an old aquarium with a heating pad and towels to keep them warm and in one place. However it is very important to know how old it is. Are the eyes open?


Active Member
I was a pre-Vet Tech at one of my last jobs.
First, ensure that the kitten has had its first bit of cholostrum (that is the first milk from the mother). You can go to any pet store and purchase kitten milk replacer, you will need that and a little bottle, it should be sold directly beside the milk.
As for the kitten, you need to get a fluffy warm blanket and preferably a heating lamp as compared to a heating pad. I've seen many casualties of baby animals due to heating pads getting far too warm. Heating lamps are much better.


Active Member
Uh oh saw you answered the age and also uh-oh about the answer. We did not have any success when we fostered and it was because the pound got the kittens when they were very young. If kittend feed from their mama for the first 2 days then they get some bacteria in their system that helps them fight off infections. If they do not get this from their mama then they have a much harder time of it. Ours did not get the bacteria and none of them made it. Even the vets could not help.
Is it possible to find the mama in the wild and return the kitten to her?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
Id say very young. Its eyes are still closed and it still has part of an umbilical cord
if its eyes are still closed it is less than ten days old (give or take) if it still has the umbelical cord I would say no more than four days old max. this is going to make it very callenging. as mentioned above if it didnt get any colostrum the chances of it getting sick and dying go up to about 75%. I would suggest finding a local vet clinic to take it that has people on around the clock to care for it. if your not there for 8 hours thats too long for the kitten it will starve. or get severly weakened from malnutrition just in the time it takes you to go to and come home from work. If some one is there around the clock be prepared to get up in the middle of the night every couple hours to feed it. I HIghly reccomend taking it to a vet or rescue clinic. If you want to keep the kitten be prepared for long hours and a large vet bill. Its difficult not knowing if the mother had her shots or not. if she didnt the kittens survivability goes down a lot. because it will be born sick.
Look at its eyes for any slime on the edges or crust, signs of conjunctivitus.
listen to it breathe (put it against your ear and hold your breath) listen for any wheezing. signs of fluid in the lungs or a respitory infection.
observe it closely for several hours, listen for sneezing or couging on a regular or semi regular basis. even little chugging in the breathing patern can be an indicator of an upperrespuitory infection.
look for mucous or crust on the edges of the nostrils another sign of upper respitory infection.
And I shall reiterate. take it to the vet ASAP, they can tell you alot more about the kittens condition than I or anyone else can just by seeing it.
If you have any more questions I shall try to help, but I think the vet is the best option at the moment.


Active Member
its eyes are clear. ive done this before with my other cat and we had to feed it every two hours. i got the bottle and kitten formula. now we are trying to get it to eat. mother is no where to be found


Active Member
If it wont eat off the bottle you may have to force feed it with a feeding syringe.
I'm glad you've done it before at least you have expirience from the first post I figured you had never done it and were totally lost.

good luck with it. I hope it goes well for you.


Also, after bottle/syringe feeding you should wipe the genital area with a damp cotton ball to stimulate the kitten to pee/poop


Active Member
Yes i have done this before. Well, really me parents did before. I was in the 5th grade and we found a kitten that was about a week and a half old. Now im 16 and this kitten is even younger so i figured i could use some advice lol.
The kitten seems to be doing ok. It drank from the bottle.....and then peed on me. so thats a good sign!


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Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
give it to AW, and he'll feed it... to his new pet

that was completely unnecessary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
give it to AW, and he'll feed it... to his new pet

now u say that to urself, not to evry1 else.


Active Member
you can go to walmart and get baby cat formula and a bottle, we have had many cats dumped like that and someone gave me a cat that was 4 days old, that cat was as mean as a snake, he grew up with our baby rott and he would attach himself to the rotts lip and be carried around whereever he wanted to go


Active Member
Originally Posted by zephyrlily
Also, after bottle/syringe feeding you should wipe the genital area with a damp cotton ball to stimulate the kitten to pee/poop
I agree with this completely. Be sure to help the little sweetie along this way. That's what mama would be doing if it was still with her. Make sure the cloth or cotton is warm.
Good luck.
Lisa :happyfish