Help - Niger may have Finrot


I have a 4 year old Niger Trigger that I think may have finrot. I am not home so I can't post a picture right now but his tail fin is the problem. It is turning a redish brown color. The long pieces of fin that come off the tail are already gone and the redish brown is starting all over the back fin. He seems to be feeling fine. He eats fine and swims around all day so I don't think he is feeling bad, I want to nip this if it is finrot. He is in a 125 gallon tank with a por. puffer. I am quite sure the puffer isn't nipping at him cause he is the boss of the tank.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


Active Member
How is your water quality? Could you post your numbers when you get home?
Also, what do you feed the fish? What vitamins do you use?


Honestly, I know this is bad but this is our FOWLR tank. We don't check our numbers on this tank near as often as the Coral Tank. The last time we check (which was about a month ago) it was:
P.H. 7.8 meq/l
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nuitrate 10
Alkalinity 4
and we also do a 10% water change on both tanks weekly.
As far as his eating habits, he is very finicky. We usually feed him krill soaked in garlic suplements. He won't eat anything else except brine shrimp. I have tried clams & scallops and he just won't eat them. Now if I put a live hermit crab or a live shrimp in there it is gone in no time but I have the fish tanks to relax and my anxiety goes way high when I see the Niger chasing shrimps and crabs around the tank.