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I just saw the thread myself. I did see that I was mentioned about geting a little help, but I never got a Pm about it. How can you get any help if you don't seek it? Are pple supposed to hunt down those that are needing help here?
I see you got a painted angler too. You do know that it will reacha foot+ in size and will munch anything it can get into its mouth. It will not care what kind of fish or shrimp, if it can fit it into its mouth it will eat it.
Have you got a setup for it? Even in a 1000gl tank, it will find and munch on anything it can get into its mouth. Be prepared. Not a good fish to have, the painted angler unless you plan on giving it a tnak to itself or plan on keeping it with fish that are close to 2feet in size. No shrimp can be kept with it.
Sounds almost like you had bought it on a whim. Especially if you put it in with other fish when it is so small.
Guess you planned on removing all the other fish and if you have shrimp from the display?
I put a Foxface in that was a little bit longer in length than my angler and 2 days later
man that sucks. i love my fox face.
* Note to self do not buy a painted angler