help on detrivore kit choices


been thinking of getting a detrivore kit but unsure on what critters to get in it. can anyone who's purchased one please help me in making my decisions. :help: Thank you.


fighting conch correct?
ok what else.............anyone? I've had a 4" sand bed for over a year containing pink fiji? sand and arag-alive sand, thinking that was all i needed for a LIVE sand bed come to find out it's not at all live. that would explain why my nitrates are through the roof. now i understand more on how to make my sand bed LIVE but unsure of what critters to get for it. can anyone give advice. thanks again


Active Member
Copepods, amphipods, worms, etc. All good for a sand bed. I have a Black capped Goby and 3 Engineer gobies that also help turn over my sand.
In addition, I have two Fighting conchs and about 150 Cerith snails.


Active Member
You can get the pods and worms online usually for not very mutch at all.
As for the cleaning crew it really depends on what you like.


I have a Queen Conch in my 40g. She does a good job. I like nassarius personally. I think they are the best snail of all. Any time they fall on their back they have such a long "foot" for their size they can get right back up. They also stir up your sandbed. Also some small bristle starts could be good. The kind that stay small or regular brittles. But there are a lot of good cleaners out there for about everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
You can get the pods and worms online usually for not very mutch at all.
As for the cleaning crew it really depends on what you like.

Snipe, email me the site at
I have 100 lbs of lr and ls and I've never seen any pods. I've been thinking about ordering some but didn't know from where.


Active Member
I to like nassarius snails but as for the conches I dont believe that because mine hardley ever left the glass.


Really?I have a queen conch and she is the best. Spends most of the day on the sandbed. Sevral times a week she goes on the glass. But in a day she goes around my tank like three times. Cleans the rock and sand. Great little animal. Sorry yours wasn't working good.


So what site sells those pods? I have also been look for x-mas tree worms but I can't find anyone who has them. This site sells them but have been out of stock for months. If you can please e-mail the site that sells pods and if you know of it some place that sells x-mas tree worms. Here's my e-mail...


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Just a future reference reguesting links can get this guys post locked or deleted and get you in trouble.


Can't do it even through e-mail? I just thought if you posted a link not if you requested someone to e-mail you one.


Active Member
Requesting the link through email is still requesting the link. The owner of the forum dont wont other places posted it will take away from his/her sales. This forum is ment for questions. Dont get me wrong im not being rude or anything just telling you the rules.


anyway.............back to the detrivore kit :yes: as i said before its going into a tank thats been set up for a couple years, do i have to take out the LR before i add the kit or should i leave everything in there and just shut down all my pumps and filters for awhile?


Active Member
Leave everything in there and leave everything off except the lights turn them off for a few hours to a day a few hours meaning at least 4 hours.


thanks Sinpe!! so i just dump the stuff on the LR or should i try and spread it around and get it mostly on the sand instead?


Active Member
I would drop it on the sand so it would go were it wants because most of the stuff will burrie itself. I would make sure it was really dark in the room and the moonlights were on so the fish will sleep and the critters can find there new home without getting eatin.


What about Chitons? I heard if you drop them on the sand they will die and they need to be placed on the rock. Hey Snipe what will algae but won't harm any of the plants in my fuge? I have a Turbo in there but I want something else. Would a Cap Snail be a good choice?


Active Member
I dont know about them if that is the case then place them on the rock. Most everything they have will go on the rock or on the sand.
Im not to sure about the snail I know nassarius snails "not the obsolete" eat waste and not algae. They will turn the sand over and are pretty small.