Help On Lighting For Anemones


I am wondering if anyone could give me a little info before I purchase an anemone. I currently have a 65gallon with 2 Corallife 50/50 bulbs. I was wondering id I can house Anemones and if so which type wouold you recommend. I do have 2 clown fish by the way. Any info would be great.
Thanks in Advance


Anenomes require intense light from MH or T5. I do not think that an anenome would last long under 2x65 watt 50/50 PC. I would wait and upgrade your light first.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandib
Thanks....can you recemmond a coral the my clownfish would host
My clowns like my Xenia and my colt coral when I had it.

coral keeper

Active Member
I called up like 5-7 LFS and they all said that a bubble tip, Sebae, and a long tentacle anemone can be kept under compact fluorescent lights.


Active Member
I keep all those anemones under power compacts . Have the BTA and LTA for almost four years now and going good . Just got a sebae and seems good so far .

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
I keep all those anemones under power compacts . Have the BTA and LTA for almost four years now and going good . Just got a sebae and seems good so far .
Do you think a BTA or a sebae anemone is going to be fine in my 8 gallon oceanic bio cube?