help on matching water in with water out

hey all, i just made a 55 gallaon fuge and everything is hooked up and running great but i can't match the darn waterflow in with my waterflow there an easy way to do this or is it all just trial and error? any help would be apprecitated


Might need some more onformation but..
If you have a durso or any means of water return back to your sump, the system should reach equallibrium. What you put in has to overflow back to the sump. UNLESS you are pumping more than the size of your drain line will let back out. What size pump are you using and what method of return, overflow box HOB line or what? Describe your set up a little more and I bet the real plumbers can help out.


Your return pump is outpacing your overflo. You can add a gate valve to your pump where you control the water that is sent to your tank,the excess returns to your sump so you dont throttle the pump back placing undue stress upon it or get a larger overflow.