help on my new clean up crew for my 90?


just looking for some opinions on my new clean up finally starting my new reef here with some clams and sps more lps etc. alot more then i have ever had before..
arrow crab or coral banded shrimp be beneficial?
peppermint shrimp and skunk cleaners also?
i am getting more crabs then i scarlets and some blue legs i think.
probably 1-2 sally lightfoots and maybe an emerald crab.
any suggestions for snails? i have some but not nearly enough.
anything im mising? maybe a linckia star or something?

scopus tang

Active Member
Deep or shallow sandbed? Deep I would go with turbos, cerith and nassarious also perhaps super tongan (large nass) snails. Shallow I would stay with turbos and cerith; nassarious don't know on a shallow. I personally would stick with the red hermits and skip the blue-leg unless you can get very small blue-legs. Coral banded can cause issues w/ fish in a reef system when they get large enough. Peppermint and skunks are both good options. I personally wouldn't add any shrimp for at least a couple months after the cycle is complete. I would stay away from the arrow crab, and as for the others, I really can't say. Hope that helps.


my tank has been up and going for over a year, im just adding on and getting a better crew now that i will be getting all of my new stuff haha..thanks for the help people.