Help On Picking My Fish For 135g


Active Member
Yet another thread destroyed by the antics of an uneducated, nonsencical, uncaring, and cruel troll.
It is unreal that this board would continue to allow people like this on here to post their idiotic and unrealistic views of this great hobby.
To sit back and read this garbage is hard enough. To think about the fish and what they are enduring it is even harder.


Originally Posted by jag2232
Stop trolling a fish board. If you need to be an idiot go on 4chan or something.
If you are going to overstock your tank you should at least have a plan on what to do with your fish in the future. Right now I have a young volitan lion who won't be large for at least a year in my 75 gallon but I've already found a home for him once he gets too large for my tank. Find something to do with your fish or don't get them, don't have them fight each other for survival in your little glass box.
little glass box? my 180gal is kind of small
should have a 500 gal soon lookingt for 1 now .


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I do however like the green water in the picture above...very nice touch for a troll tank.
bad camera guy ill post new pics 2 day gettin a new camera 2 day(both pics were taken the same day) but thanks guy enjoy your 1 fish in your tank its so breath takin(your tank).and honestly we are all "trolls"we keep wild animals,do to most are taken from there homes in the ocean right,moved them to our local "prisons"mine ,yours,and everybdys elses tanks!!! but your responce is probley yours were bred just for you!!!!!!!!!i just doin it differnt and it works ,if people listen 2 u they would have 5 fish in a 180 thats sadd


ccampbell57 what type of fish is that in your avator I want one, pm me with the information or you can post it here, thanks


Active Member
5 fish in a 180???? Where did I say that? I never advocate understocking. I like life in my tank as much as the next guy.
What I am against is putting in too many very aggressive fish and seeing what will happen. What I am against is calling out that there has not been a "blood bath" yet. What I am against is live feeding food that has no nutrition. What I am against is bad husbandry. What I am against is treating your fish like a sub species that are replaceable. What I am against is you giving horrible advise to newbies that come to this site. What I am against is your attitude against those that have very good things to say. What I am against is your english skills. What I am against is idiodic replys such as "AND IF IT ENDS BADD I NO CARE PLENTY OF$$ ONLY LIKE 2 K".
As for that last comment, 2k in fish???? Where do you shop? Your fish are all inexpensive triggers. You dont have a fish that is over $50. I guess your math is worse than your english. I would like to see the price list of the place where you buy your livestock because I will start a store and make a LOT of money off of people like you.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
5 fish in a 180???? Where did I say that? I never advocate understocking. I like life in my tank as much as the next guy.
What I am against is putting in too many very aggressive fish and seeing what will happen. What I am against is calling out that there has not been a "blood bath" yet. What I am against is live feeding food that has no nutrition. What I am against is bad husbandry. What I am against is treating your fish like a sub species that are replaceable. What I am against is you giving horrible advise to newbies that come to this site. What I am against is your attitude against those that have very good things to say. What I am against is your english skills. What I am against is idiodic replys such as "AND IF IT ENDS BADD I NO CARE PLENTY OF$$ ONLY LIKE 2 K".
As for that last comment, 2k in fish???? Where do you shop? Your fish are all inexpensive triggers. You dont have a fish that is over $50. I guess your math is worse than your english. I would like to see the price list of the place where you buy your livestock because I will start a store and make a LOT of money off of people like you.
well guy hummmmm the word was"like" thinkin i got like 1k in fish and 1 k in tank .but i no i set up a "blood bath" mabey in your eyes.These are pets,i do care about them,all fish are totally fine.and if 1 dies just like if your wife ,cat ,dog ,bird,car u replace it asap o and whare do u buy a 50$$clown or a 50$$black hawain trigg and i dont want any none aggressive fish so im kind of stuck with triggers but its a good time ..there all good swimmers movin all the time


Active Member

Originally Posted by slackjawed
well guy hummmmm the word was"like" thinkin i got like 1k in fish and 1 k in tank .but i no i set up a "blood bath" mabey in your eyes.These are pets,i do care about them,all fish are totally fine.and if 1 dies just like if your wife
,cat ,dog ,bird,car u replace it asap o and whare do u buy a 50$$clown or a 50$$black hawain trigg and i dont want any none aggressive fish so im kind of stuck with triggers but its a good time ..there all good swimmers movin all the time
WTF is that????? You calling my family out now?
You are a piece of work. Mods kick the effing dip to the curb. Going from aquarium discussions to death of significant others?
Slackjaw you are a piece of work.
Originally Posted by redman1221
ccampbell57 what type of fish is that in your avator I want one, pm me with the information or you can post it here, thanks
im also curious what that is, could you just post it here so that we can all see, btw reilly, sorry about your thread


Originally Posted by slackjawed
well guy hummmmm the word was"like" thinkin i got like 1k in fish and 1 k in tank .but i no i set up a "blood bath" mabey in your eyes.These are pets,i do care about them,all fish are totally fine.and if 1 dies just like if your wife ,cat ,dog ,bird,car u replace it asap o and whare do u buy a 50$$clown or a 50$$black hawain trigg and i dont want any none aggressive fish so im kind of stuck with triggers but its a good time ..there all good swimmers movin all the time
Okay, I think you're just TRYING to make yourself sound like a retard now, and it's working.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
well guy hummmmm the word was"like" thinkin i got like 1k in fish and 1 k in tank .but i no i set up a "blood bath" mabey in your eyes.These are pets,i do care about them,all fish are totally fine.and if 1 dies just like if your wife ,cat ,dog ,bird,car u replace it asap o and whare do u buy a 50$$clown or a 50$$black hawain trigg and i dont want any none aggressive fish so im kind of stuck with triggers but its a good time ..there all good swimmers movin all the time
Slackjawed, do you realize you compared the death of a spouse to the death of a fish, bird, cat, dog, or a car???
Please be a little more sensitive when you post.
Anyway, as we've answered the OP I think it is time for this thread to be closed.
rileybb, feel free to post away with new threads with more questions.