Help on Unbelievably high Nitrate levels


I have had a 50 gallon tank (started FO but it has evolved into a reef) for about 18 months, the tank has been stocked to its maximum. Nirates were always about 20- 40 ppm depending on my water changes. in order to keep it at less than 20 ppm I was changing 15 % of the water every 10 days. I was web surfing and found plans to build a coil denitrator and after expending about $30. my nitrates haven't been over 5ppm in the 2 months its been running, and my button polyps have been open ever since.


New Member
hi fau8
I am very interested on building the coil denitrator DIY, can u tell me more abt this n also the web site to get more info ....


When I was researching this I must have found about 6 or 7 sites that explained the workings of this do it your self project.
if you need help contact me at
[ May 15, 2001: Message edited by: fau8 ]
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[ May 15, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]
[ May 18, 2001: Message edited by: fau8 ]


Active Member
A nice thick live sand bed would be cheaper in the longer run, it will also keep your nitrates at 0ppm.