help on what to add first


My 150g should be up and starting cycle at the end of this week.i will post pics shortly
here is what i want to add.
brazilian dragoon eel
blue face angel
dragon wrasse
harlequin tusk
and some chromis


Active Member
Originally Posted by windgrace03
My 150g should be up and starting cycle at the end of this week.i will post pics shortly
here is what i want to add.
brazilian dragoon eel
blue face angel
dragon wrasse
harlequin tusk
and some chromis
The chromis are very hardy, inexpensive and usually peaceful (I know there are exceptions); I'd start with them. If you want to spend some extra $; check out blue reef chromis; spectacular fish. I assume you're getting a juvi BF Angel, much easier to acclimate than an adult. Angels, as a rule, should be kept in mature tanks and are quite territorial. I'd wait about 6 months and make the BF the final fish. Watch the tusk with the dragon wrasse; they should be OK, but you never know how 2 wrasse are going to treat each other. BTW, there are some great Australian Tusks on the market now, I think it would be a good fish to add after you're sure the Chromis are doing well. The eel & DW as soon as things return to normal.


WELLLLL...1st things first...let's start with some sw, Live sand, Live rock...Powerheads....I'm teasing
Just so you know...before you even attempt to add need to begin with your clean up crew...some snails and such


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
WELLLLL...1st things first...let's start with some sw, Live sand, Live rock...Powerheads....I'm teasing
Just so you know...before you even attempt to add need to begin with your clean up crew...some snails and such
That fish list will make lunch of a CUC in a hurry. IMO, a CUC is nice to have, but certainly not a necessity. There are many fish that simply aren't safe with snails, hermits, etc. My Tusks would clean up any clean-up crew in an hour or less.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
That fish list will make lunch of a CUC in a hurry. IMO, a CUC is nice to have, but certainly not a necessity. There are many fish that simply aren't safe with snails, hermits, etc. My Tusks would clean up any clean-up crew in an hour or less.
REALLY??? so how do you clean your sand and stuff like your glass??


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
REALLY??? so how do you clean your sand and stuff like your glass??
The dragon wrasse is also a great enemy of inverts, so are triggers, most puffers, many large wrasse, and many more.
I use a vac during water changes and a nylon scrubbie on the glass. This is not at all unusual in FOWLR tanks. Also, without any inverts, you don't really have to worry about nitrates.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
The dragon wrasse is also a great enemy of inverts, so are triggers, most puffers, many large wrasse, and many more.
I use a vac during water changes and a nylon scrubbie on the glass. This is not at all unusual in FOWLR tanks. Also, without any inverts, you don't really have to worry about nitrates.
HMMM....Invert eating creatures are they...LOL....WOW
WELL...OP...I take back what I said..LOL


Thanks for the info just got my tank cycling today. Had some problems with gurgling noises comming from drains in over flow, but found another thread on here and fixed those. I have some pics i will post tonight of what i have so far thanks again.



Found out how. Found out power going to be out for 8 hours on saturday so decided to just wait tell then to turn the tank on to cycle. Live Sand is on order then just need to purchase some LR and then good to go. Stand isn't finished need to put doors on a shine it up alittle. I am not going to stain it i like the natural wood color.

small triggers

Active Member
is that the water level with the power out, and you dont have sand or rock in the tank yet? I am assuming you are going to change that,,,


The water lvl with the power out is about 2 inches lower then that i had to drain the overflow boxes to fix a small leak i found. Yes and and rock will be added when there is power and water flow going in the tank


hi all well my tank has been cycling about 6 weeks. I just got my lvls to were i want them. I just added my first set of fish. 6 blue reef chromis. I will post some pics in the morning.