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My 150g should be up and starting cycle at the end of this week.i will post pics shortly
here is what i want to add.
brazilian dragoon eel
blue face angel
dragon wrasse
harlequin tusk
and some chromis
The chromis are very hardy, inexpensive and usually peaceful (I know there are exceptions); I'd start with them. If you want to spend some extra $; check out blue reef chromis; spectacular fish. I assume you're getting a juvi BF Angel, much easier to acclimate than an adult. Angels, as a rule, should be kept in mature tanks and are quite territorial. I'd wait about 6 months and make the BF the final fish. Watch the tusk with the dragon wrasse; they should be OK, but you never know how 2 wrasse are going to treat each other. BTW, there are some great Australian Tusks on the market now, I think it would be a good fish to add after you're sure the Chromis are doing well. The eel & DW as soon as things return to normal.