Help! Open brain problem


Ok so I have had an green open brain coral for almost a year and it has always been beautiful. Now we moved and it went without light for a couple days and I think got banged around a little during transportation. Could somebody who knows please tell me if he is now dead or dying? Will it be ok? I can't seem to get my pictures loaded ill keep trying i guess. It still has plenty of green color on him however he looks ripped in a couple spots with what could be skeletal type stuff sticking out. not sure

yosemite sam

Active Member
A photo is really needed to help. How far did you move? How is the tank doing in general since the move? Have you monitored your water parameters? If it's just dinged up, it can recover, so try and give us some more info.


We only moved about a mile so It wasnt a long move. I can't get my picture sized properly to attatch it. The tank does not have any fish In it as I sold them before we moved and this coral is about the only thing left in the tank other than the live rock and a few hitchhikers(snails, crabs). When I set the tank up I immediatly started doing water changes. I have done 3 -15% changes in the last 2 days.


it could just be damaged tissue from the transport but it should pull through and recover if your done moving it and have it exactly how you did before you should be okay.


Yes I have. I did see a small ammonia spike. somewhere between 0.25ppm and 0.50ppm. Otherwise everything else was normal.

yosemite sam

Active Member
What is the ammonia now, and how long did the spike last? Do you run carbon? It can recover if the mini cycle from the moving isn't too bad


Ammonia now is barely showing anything. Less than .25ppm. But my 2nd question would be could the brain be causing my ammonia if he is decaying? Or is it more than likely just from the sand bed being disturbed and rocks being moved in and out of the tank?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Originally Posted by jsteph24
Ammonia now is barely showing anything. Less than .25ppm. But my 2nd question would be could the brain be causing my ammonia if he is decaying? Or is it more than likely just from the sand bed being disturbed and rocks being moved in and out of the tank?
Good question. How long ago was the move? How big is the tank and how much liverock and sand? I would guess it's from the move, and not the coral, but keep an eye on it. If it really starts to decompose, you should probably take the coral out.


Ok sounds good. I guess I will just keep a close eye on it to see if its getting better or worse. I was just worried that I should maybe take it out right away.