Help!!! Overflow Installation Question


Active Member
Have you run the pump for an extended period of time yet? I would keep a close eye on the tank level and make sure its not creaping up on you and then flood. I just can'y wrap my brain around how that OF is handleing the mag 18?
I would worry a whole lot about the level of the OF it should be just fine. As long as thw water line is hidden by the tank trim you should be good.
About the Hydro's, GET RID OF THEM! they are highly inacurate and will cause you more headaches then you want. Spend the small amount of cash and get a refractometer. Very accurate and you'll never play another guessing game with the SG.
Trust me more than worth the $50.00!
It sounds like you're on your way!


Tim, the pump has been running for a full day straight now and it is keeping up with it really well .I really cant afford a refractor now.....maybe for xmas I will get one....Like I said one says 1.023 and one says 1.020.....Do you think that is ok.....Im putting in the live rock tomorrow.....45lbs for a 125. I am not going to cure it and will just put it in as is. Will this cycle my tank or can I get 2 damsels on Saturday to help out. If I did get 2 damsels will the spike in ammonia from the live rock just kill them eventually?


One more question Tim, as mentioned I adjusted the plastic screw on the bottom of the overflow that goes against the back of the tank so that my water level would be a lil lower. Is that ok....Now my overflow box isnt perfectly level going up and down. And like I said the tank may be unlevel by like 1/16th of an inch. This is a custom built stand and when u look in at the water level you cant even tell that its unlevel so I dont think I need to worry about it huh...My fathers at home which is oceanic tank and stand is just as unlevel and hes had his up for 15 years!


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about the OF if its running then it should be OK.
I you can't get the refracto, Take you water somewhere that has one and see what the reading is, then you can see what your hydro says and then keep it constant. I wouldn't trust either one for a true reading but at least you will be constistant with the water.
With your W/D you should be OK with just the 45lbs of LR but I would slowly increase it over time.
Don't cycle with fish! they will just stress and die. If you want to kick the cycle throw a dead cocktail shrimp in there and let it decomp, that will give the bacteria something to feed on.