Help! Peppermint shrimp eating my anemone


Got up this morning to find my shrimp eating my anemone (curly Q). Any advise on how to catch him without taking my tank apart?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by woolfe
Got up this morning to find my shrimp eating my anemone (curly Q). Any advise on how to catch him without taking my tank apart?
Oh, great. I have peppermints, so does this mean that I won't be able to get a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone in the future?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
well, first question do you reagularily feed your peppermint shrimp????
Feed them what? Won't they eat the same food that my fish eat?


pepermints shold only eat aptasia. is your anemone dying or really slimy. i have seen them eat corals that were sick and dying but not a large healty anemone. ive had my pepeermints with purple tip and even when it curls up in aball and gets raelly small no problems


Your peppermint could be eating the anemone due to insufficient food or because the anemone is in bad health.


The Anemone is fine and I hand feed the shrimp every day. Should I be feeding him twice a day? I feed them formula 1 and krill mostly.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp do not just eat aptasia. They are scavangers. I've had my tank for ye and a half and bought my peppermint shrimp to do away with aptasia anemones. It won't touch them. I feed my shrimp the same variety of krill, brine shrimp, and other meaty foods I feed my tank. Even though theya re scavengers, the leftovers get eaten up fast in your tank. If you were starving you would start nibbling on anything you could get you claws on. So to keep you shrimp and other detrus cleaner from eating from the wrong menu it's very important to give them a good feed at least once a week. As my peppermint shrimp got bigger he started stealing brine shrimp from my cup corals! I use shrimp pellets. The kind that sink to the bottom. I add maybe 30 or so once or twice a week just after the lights go out. That way the feeding for the scavangers mirrors their normal hunting time/ways, and they won't be ordering from the wrong menu.
However, I have had to remove some of my scavengers from my tank because they had gotten to big or refused to go back to the right menu. One example is my green brittle star.
The other possibilty was posted. Scavengers are good at their clean up business. They are built to sense weaker or sick animals.
How is your curly q doing?


the curly q seems fine but I did only get it a few days ago. It found a nice crack in a rock that it likes. I fed it and it ate fine. (that was so cool to watch)


i only feed like every other or every 3rd day to help keep waste down most established tanks are full of food for evetone. is your water ok ireally dont think pepermints would eat healty anemone. but im not saying cant happen notsure:


Active Member
My water is fine, but as ponie girl pointed in one of my threads my rebel ways are not wise to give to a beginner sw hobbyist. I have a 2 inch sand bed and 100 lbs live rock. How old is your tank? It takes a while to build up extra treats like amphiopods and cocopods for your scavengers. I feed my 2 sea stars and my shrimp a small pile of goodies at least once a week. And if you curly q is healthy then the little guy is really hungry!


Ok I just fed him until he didn't want anymore. He ate 4 pieces of krill. My tank isn't that old but the rock I put in was already partially cured. I have a 90 Gal 110 lbs. of LR. 150 lbs. of LS and pods all over the place. I also feed the tank Mysis, plankton, formula one, krill, flake, and nutrafin max slow sinking morsels. Not all at once of course. I have 2 false percs, a firefish, a royal gamma, a ton of nassarius snails, blue leg hermits, turbos, 16 emeralds, a decorator, the curly Q, 2 red buttons, and a bunch of feather dusters that grew out of my LR.


he seems better since I fed him. Maybe he was just real hungry like all of you said. I was only giving him one krill a day. I'm going to try letting him have as much as he wants from now on. Unless someone thinks it's a bad idea. I don't want to feed him to death either.


shrimp are scavengers and fish only digest about 25% or food they eat feeding him directally will ony make more waste. which can make corals/anemones unhealthy it sound gross but shrimp could have been eating anemone waste. i would let shrimp find whatever fish dont eat. what type of anemone any current pics??


It's a curly Q. Here's a pic I just took. It's really small & hard to get a photo. Hopefully this is clear enough.


it looks healthy from what i see was shrimp actually ripping into flesh or feeding at mouth area


hmmmm im baffled here i would chase it away whenever i see it near there mabey you can train it like a dog not to go there lol