Help - PH too low


Hi there,
I have recently set up my tank, it is currently cycling. The ammonia is right up so should drop soon. the PH is currently on 7.8, and has been since tank set up. I was wondering if this will correct itself or whether I need to do anything.
Please help.


The tank has been set up for just over a week & we are using the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. Im in New Zealand, I dont think we have the biggest range :)


ok, will test the tap water shortly. We brought the rock and sand from the fish shop, both were dry. not sure if its live or not.


Active Member
If it was dry then its not live. PH is in balance with many elements. Have you tested anything else in the tank-calcium,alk,etc?


Well-Known Member
How are you cycling the tank? Decaying shrimp, commonly used to cycle, could produce a low pH condition.


ok, PH from the tap is 7.8, same as in the tank
Our set up is a UFO550 corner tank, 78L (20gallons), standard filter that comes built in to it. Heres a pic


Active Member
I wouldn't worry until the tank cycles and don't add anything to adjust it right now...
0. Salinity
1. Ammonia
2. Nitrite
3. Nitrate
Then check after cycle
4. Calcium level
5. KH/Alk level
6. Magnesium level
8. pH


Have just been testing PH, Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate & salinity, we are cycling with a yellow tail damsel - fish shop said they are good for cycling the tank due to being a hardy fish


Im in New Zealand and there are only 2 fish shops that have marine in Auckland (the biggest city in NZ) - neither had the biggest range of test kits, but I will have to have another look. don't ship out of the US :( so I will be unable to get anything online either. Hopefully the fish shop has something


Active Member
You could always see if the LFS would special order for you if they don't stock. I like Salifert CA and MG kits and Lamotte Alk kit. Will Australia business ship to New Zealand?


Active Member
What is the circulation in the tank? Do you have surface aggitation? You can try taking the top off and seeing if the pH increases. Low pH can be caused by several things.