Help picking out live rock!


I am very new at this hobby. I am getting ready to set up an aquarium. How do I know what live rock to pick out? How do I know if its healthy or not? Any comments or suggestions on this topic would be so helpful!


Active Member
Well, premium rock will have purple coralline on it. That basically just tells you that it is mature.
More than likely, you won't be able to find any like that though, and if you do, it will be top dollar. I would inspect the tank that you are going to buy it out of. If it looks healthy, then I would just get it. If there is a bunch of "crap" all over it, like dead seaweed etc., then skip that piece. But if you still need to cycle your tank, most of the stuff won't live anyway.
Are you getting it at a lfs? If so, I would just pick out pieces you like as it will all be good eventually.


Active Member
If you belong to a reef club or check C-list online, you most likely will get better pricing on the rock. I'd look for Marshall Island, or any of the other premium rocks. Marshall isn't imported any longer so if you find someone who is taking their tank down and has that in there, go for it!


I would look for live rock with plenty of hiding spots, holes, caves, ect... Its always a bonus if you can find some rock with coralline algae, but that's not always possible. Eventually it will appear on the rock anyway. Familiarize yourself with what Aptasia looks like. Many newbees see it on live rock and pick these rocks for purchasing, thinking they are getting a nice hitchhiker but its something you want to avoid.


wow everyone - thank you for the reply's! The only store that have found around where I am that sells fish is *****, ugh. But I'm on the lookout for other places!
This is such great information! I will defiantly familiarize myself Aptasia :)


My local fish store sells nothing but live rock fully loaded with purple coralline all over them. $7.99 a pound & that's a high price right now.


i generally pick pieces that have lots of crevices and have cool shapes to make cool formations in the tank. its rock, so you dont really have to worry about its "health."
there are two types, cured and uncured. cured rock is rock that has no die off and is generally ready to be put in the tank.. this is the rock you'll generally find coraline and cool stuff on right from the get go.
uncured rock is rock that has been sitting in a tub and has dead stuff on/in it. this needs to sit and have necessary bacteria introduced to it to eliminate all the nasty stuff and make it suitable for your tank. but this will also grow coraline and become live with critters in your tank over time.
buying this stuff at a store can really break your bank. most places range from $4-$9 per pound, and for a decent size tank you can get upwards of 100 lbs., your talkin $400-$900 for ROCKS. i found my tanks rock on craigslist. some guy was selling his entire established tank and i offered him $200 for his 100 lbs and he took it. id recommend trying to find a deal like that first. good luck!


One other thing to remember with live rock is try not to get it with in 2 or 3 days of the the store receiving it. It needs to cure. There will be a lot of die off and it can pollute your tank. The easyiest way is to smell it, you will know immediatly whether you will want to put it in your tank.


also, be prepared for the puzzle when you get it in your tank.. In 8 months i probably changed rock layout like every 2 months.. dont get fustrated..


Wow - thanks everyone! There is a lot to consider. I'm getting my 55gl this weekend, but I cant do anything until after i go on vacation - there's no way I'm going to set it up and leave! But i have been on the look out for some good live rock. I found a place that does not sell it by the pound. They just sell it by the piece. I priced it out and its a lot cheaper!


Active Member
One thing about the *desire* to get pink/purple rock. You end up paying more for coraline covered rock just because it's more desireble. Buy good quality rock even if it doesn't have purple on it and then get a few smaller coraline covered rocks and before you know, you'll have coraline everywhere.
I dislike that stuff with a passion :)