HELP PLEASE - BTA, is it dead?!


Our BTA is limp and stuff is coming out of its mouth. Mouth is now open... still limp. Pics coming in a couple minutes.


Active Member
Difficult to tell with those pictures. Anemone do remove waste through their mouths, so it could just be expelling digested food stuffs. The anemone looks extremely deflaited and has an unnatural look to it for a BTA (no noticable tenticles, flat and open mouth). Keep an eye on it.
If it doesn't 'perk' up within the next day i would say it is a definate sign of stress, mine deflates every other evening or so, but perks up during the day.
I've gotta stop being so pessimistic about these anemones, i hope it does really well and with the proper environemnt it should do fine.


Early morning now... it has perked up significantly! Opaque brown, tentacles inflated and looking "excited"... Gosh these things scare me.


Hey the same thing happened to me I freaked out and lost sleep worrying. You'll get used to the crazy thing s bta's do.


I definitely lost sleep over it last night... I kept having dreams that the BTA was OK and that it eventually just ate the condy lol. If only.


Go to this site and read all about BTA's. This is the best one I've found. She has tons of pictures and explains so much in detail. I hope you like it. Edited link