Cindy, dont fret. I got one just like that a week ago and it looked just like that because it was not in any light during shipping. Did you drip acclimate? Turn on your MHs and watch it open. It will open and close depending on the lighting turned on or off.:joy:
thanks beck, it started to open up a bit (phew) its supposed to be green, but looks white to me, i will take a pick later or tomorrow i have company coming for my b-day :cheer:
oh, no i didnt drip cuz the water was almost all gone, the only thing touching the water that was left in the bag was the rock, and it was VERY LITTLE water. so it didnt make sense to me to drip, i wanted to get it in water.
I could be wrong but when mine arrived it looked exactly like that. In a couple of days I couldn't get over how nice it came back. Now it's the size of two of my fists put together. Hope it works out for you!
ok, thanks everyone, it has opened up and i will post a pic later. i am still concerned about the color so i think i will e-mail swf and see whats up with that.
It looks white to me but i dont know if it is going to turn green. Email SWF and see what they say and let us know. It is a cool coral though, isnt it?
yea i like it, i had to get up at midnight and get the flashlight to see if there were any tenticles! the werent as big as i thought but it was only the first night and i was 1/2 asleep
i'll be checking again.
i dont mind the white, but i paid more for green (the bag even said green bubble on it), i just e-mailed them but didnt hear back yet. usually takes them a day or so.
thanks for your help and i'll keep ya posted
Wait to see how big the bubbles get after a few hours under MH. It is amazing how something that small (initially) can get so big without bursting. I also noticed on their description that the green coral is 1-2 inches bigger than the regular.
hmm, yea i just tried measuring it and it is about 4-5" across, and if you look at my pic again some of the lower bubbles do have a greenish tint to them. so maybe thats how it is supposed to be, i just expected bright flourescent green. we'll see ill keep ya posted.
now i am trying to figure out what to get next
I know the cautions on keeping anenomes but i got a Pink Tip Haitian anenome the same time as my bubble and i love him. I am shocked at how much he moves around. He is hilarious! Here is a pic. He was on the sand last night but moved all the way to the top this morning. Too cool!:joy: