Help please. I have a problem.


I have a 60 gallon octagon fish reef tank and my Clowntrigger started getting spots on him, then his eye started looking clowdy. Now he looks like he is sheding. Cold this be ich, or something elese?
Please help i dont want to lose my buddy.
I have no qt tank, so i might need to do something fast. Any help would be awsome.
ps. None of the other fish are sick, they look fine.
Thank you, Billy


Active Member
Please take note that this particular section of the site doesn't receive much traffic. If anyone who could actually help you looked at your post, they would've replied by now. Your frustration is understandable, but it isn't our fault your fish is sick. :)
Now then. What exactly do the spots look like? How long has he had them? You may want to look into purchasing a QT. Emergency QTs can be set up immediately and made to house a fish if indeed the life of the fish depends on his immediate removal from the display.


Active Member
Sorry about your Clowntrigger, Bill.
You may want to check your water parameters. In your line of work, you've seen cause and effect. I have a pony right now that has sore feet (too much grain-hooves too long and yes we called a professional). The sore feet make her feel miserable all over and i guess it can affect her nerves because of the way she STANDS!
Anyway, sorry and I hope you don't have any more problems.


Active Member
Sorry to hear it, Bill. It's not easy losing a fish.
If you'd still like to figure out what was wrong with him, we would be glad to help. :)


Thanks FarmBoy, Im gonna miss my Trigger. I hope your pony feels better. Sounds like founder to me. Keep his toes short and he should feel better.:)


Active Member
I completely understand. I can't even think about my firefish without getting emotional. I only had him for a month, but he had more personality than any other fish I'd ever come across.
This probably won't help you much, but something I always say is "You have to have the bad to appreciate the good." At least I can be thankful my two clowns are doing well. And it sounds like your other fish are doing alright too. :)