Help please i want to get rid of my damsels and get a to sw & have ????


my tank, 45 gallons, is fowlr & ls, 1 18" carrot sponge, 1 peppermint shrimp, I am planning on getting rid of my 6 damsels and getting a lion. somone suggested a dwarf. My tank is not a reef but in about when i am more comfortable with fo ( I am new to sw) I will slowly turn it to a reef. I don't have a clue on lion fish, temperments, eating habits, and water temperature. Is a lion an agressive fish? Any help/suggestions very welcome!


yes lions are aggresive and get rather large, i have one around 13" long with fins out looks like a small basketball! might be a little destructive in a reef tank because of their size. dwarf is probably your best option


If you get the lion, don't worry about your damsels, or your peppermint, they'll be gone in minutes.
READ carefully about lions before you take the're limiting your future choices by centerpiecing with a lionfish. Be sure thats what you want to do!


so first things first, your tank is rather small for a full sized lion, like a P Volitans. Second those damsels are established and will prolly kick butt on any new fish, including a lion. While lion fish are placed in the category of aggressive fish, they are not, they are whimpy-they group them in this category becuz the eat other fish.
That said i have not seen a dwarf lion which has even eaten a regular sized damsel, I have seem larger bodied lion eating damsels, but a little lion and an equal sized damsel won't happen.
peppermint shrimp are another story, their food
My suggstion to you is too break down the tank, remove the pesky fish and start new


yep, exactly what i did! I did buy a dwarf lion, but took him back along with the 6 damsels to the store. He was so boring. Did nothing but sit on the rock where I can't see him. I received full credit so I got a 2" clown, (it has 3 white strips), and a royal gamma, and another lr. It had an anenome hiding in a big hole. It took 2 days for the clown to play w/ the anenomie. Also, I don't think I have enough lighting for the anenomie. I only have 1 40watt full spectrum light. And what should I be feeding it. Oh yeah, neither of my new fish have eaten yet.... should i be worried?