Help Please Troubles With Pictures

dad & son

Im having trouble posting picture of my rock formation on this web site. How do i do it? i got the pictures on my web site just click here . So how does this formation look? Is it good colors?


if thats what u wanna do, just right click the pic on your website and copy and paste the info between the two IMG tags


Looks good to me. Just make sure that the rock is stable so it doesn't fall over. Also, make sure that the base of the rocks are burried in the sand and touching the bottom glass, just in case you get any fish that like to burrow in the sand. (so they don't make the rocks fall)


lol i didnt mean to rub it in.. just click the img tag thing then include the http and everything.. the entire address of the pic.


if u click on reply, then go advanced, all u got to do is click on the pic icon on the little menu it gives u and type in the url then click the pic icon again... it does the tags automatically


Active Member
I'd just make sure the rockwork is stable. take into account future snails and hermit crabs what will be wandering all over. The inverts I have in my tank right now would probably knock some of the rocks down in your pic.