help please w skimmer


I bought a coralife super skimmer. I put it all together and hung it on the tank. Now when i turn it on the collection cup fills up so fast that i have to keep turning it off so it doesnt overflow. i turned the valve all the way down but it still fills right up w bubblues and water. this thing is driving me nuts, any ideas?


Open the valve, to much water means to little air. My brother had some kind of skimmer like that and he had to replace the whole airline because it was to narrow for the skimmer.


Unless it's actually skimming, but I am assuming that what your getting is mostly water...


Here's a test to see if that's the problem...
Blow into your air line yeah it's gross but it's all in the name of the hobby. :D
Blow into the airline so as to INCREASE the airflow. If it brings the water level down then you are not getting enough air in your mixture.


I have that skimmer and it has a 24-72hr break in period. You must turn the ball valve on the pump so it is half closed. Then you must turn the red air valve till the water is down below the collection cone. It should stay this way for 24-72hrs.


Active Member
Also make sure your airline from the pump venturi assembly is not kinked. Check and make sure your outflow tube is not too far in the water as this creates backpressure. New instructins on coralife webiste will explain all the changes needed froom the original included setup instructions which are way off. Also the pump should be within 3" or less from the water surface, and in most caes the included ball shutt off valve is not needed.....Set outflow tube so its at or slightly above tank high water level, and adjust red flow control so buble column is between red collection cup retainer ring and the funnel portin of collection cup. As another stated it will take a few days to "breakin" so for that timeframe just adjust skimmer to the point the bubbles are below funnel portion and do not try to fine tune it until its broken in. Broke in means it has to wash itself internally of all manufacturing compounds used in the manufactuer of the unit, like mold release agents etc.......


i dont seem to have a valve on my pump. there is one ni the box but for somereason it never mentions attaching it in the instructions. anyone know where it goes


It attatches to the pump and the tubeing goes on top. That is your problem if it is not attatched. that slows the flow during break in. After 48hrs you can turn it back to 100% open. For now....keep it 50%.


Active Member
Forget usiing that valve for now..Just rasie your pump up to within 1 1/2" of the surface contrary to what your enclosed directions state, and make sure your outflow tube is at or above water leve in tank...turn red adjustment knob fully closed, make sure your air line is attached and the end of it is out of the water and not restricted, make sure rthe outflow bleeder hole is not obstructed, turn on skimmer adjust red knob for a bubble height about 1" or so above red retaining ring that secures collection cup. Once its running a bit, adjust red knob to get bubbles in reaction chamber to within 1/2" of bottom of the funnel portion of collection cup. Those ksimmers work fine if proper instructions were included. New instructions are available on their website, but best thing is chuck that big bubble diffuser box like I stated earlier and use a filter sleeve of foam in its palce but make sure outflow tube is at or above tanks highest water level


I had the same issue with mine. Make sure the venturi valve/strainer assembly is pushed COMPLETELY onto the pump. Any gap between the venturi valve and the pump is too much. It must be pushed all the way on.
After making this adjustment, my skimmer now runs awsome. Nice dry foam, and it is NASTY!
Hope that helps.