Help PLease


HI i have a 30-40 galoon tank. IM not sure about the exact dimension. I am just beginning to explore into the world of saltwater fish. I have had many freshwater fish for a long time. I know tropical fish are more complex and expensive to take care of. I would like to build somewhat of a reef out of my current tank if it is possible. First of all the fish i would want to have in there are- some clownfish and a royal gamma. those are just my positives. What else would anyone recommend like what type of coral or rock and other ype of fish and clean up crew.:help: :help: :help: thank you


Could we see a pic of the tank? Also, if u want a reef, u might wanna go to the reef forum. THey can help u out there. A pair of clownfish and a royal gramma can easily be done


Active Member
If you want to go reef you better prepair yourself for the expenses. This hobby is not at all cheap. To go reef you will need proper lighting. For your size tank id suggest either power compact or vho. Either of the 2 will do but if you want to go metal halide that would be fine too. After lighting you should purchase a good protein skimmer. If you ever decide on building a sump an in sump skimmer will do best. You can purchase H.O.B skimmers that will work good as well. Then you will need live rock. Atleast 1-1.25lbs per gallon. Make sure to cure the rock before adding it to your existing system. Livesand would be nice to add as well but some prefer bare bottom. Make sure you let your tank mature before adding any inverts. Wait atleast 6 months before adding corals. Best advice I can give you is to do lots of research and study your creatures before purchasing them. This will help you keep them healthy and happy.


thanks for the help. Im ont sure if i want to go total all out reef yet. Is it possible to go somewhere inbetween with just some coral, live rock i know its gonna be expensive and im prepared for it. What kind of other fish would you suggest? if any


I am really attracted to the black percula clownfish and the regular orange clown. I would imagine it is okay to put them together? I am also looking for a smaller starfish. Does anyone know of any good sites that sell some good larger tanks?


Active Member

Originally posted by swimrnum1
thanks for the help. Im ont sure if i want to go total all out reef yet. Is it possible to go somewhere inbetween with just some coral, live rock i know its gonna be expensive and im prepared for it. What kind of other fish would you suggest? if any

Id still suggest the above if your not gonna have many corals in your tank. For fish try looking at some of the gobies. Theyre small and peacefull just not towards the same species.


My tank is a half octagon size tank. The dimensions are as folows- 17'' deep 24.5'' side to side and 13" back to front
I would like to have:
True percula Clwonfish(1-2)
Black Percula Clownfish (at least 1)
Royal Gramma (1)
Bangai Cardinal (maybe)
would i be able to fit any size tang in there? or are any of these fish even compatible together. if not please make some suggestions to help
as i said im just gonna have some coral and rock.


Active Member
Sorry to say but your tank is not big enough for any tangs. Some may argue with that but id suggest atleast a 100+ tank for them.


Active Member
hmm im not to sure. ive had 2 different species or clownfish in 1 tank and had no problems. guess its just luck. But since theyre both percula clowns and look simular you might not have problems but im not too sure about that.


if i would get one of the black percula and one of the true percula would i want to introduce them to the tank at the same time. i went to my lfs i talked to this one guy who knew what he was doing. he said as a beginner if i dont want to have live coral that they have these other fake coral and other fake things that soften up in the water and wave with the waves. so what other fish would you recommend? starfish? damsels? gobies? i have gotten lots of reccomendation for gobies but i dont really like how they look someone recommended me to get some damsels but then another person told me that they are to agressive? and then another person recommended me to get a chocolate chip star? what would u say?


Active Member
Damsels all depend on you but they are known to get nasty and pick on smaller fish. If you do get the clowns introduce them at the same time. If you dont like gobies maybe some firefish. I dont like those fake corals...i think theyre tacky and look ugly. The real thing is much better. If you want to use your old fw tank make sure you have never used any copper based materials in it. Copper isnt good for inverts and it will stay in the silicone. But if not then use vinegar and hot water.


do u mean a mixture of vinegar and hot water?
how would you recommend adding in my fish and live rock and maybe fake coral?


Active Member
do a vinegar bath first then hot water or it doesnt matter you can do either or. Now when adding stuff add the substrate and rock first. Let it cure for a few weeks. When all your parameter levels read 0 then add a fish. Dont rush, rush will cause problems your system wont be able to handle the bio-load. Swf is all about patience. If your really gonna go with the fake coral then you can just add that anytime you wish. Id still suggest studying the creatures and then purchase 1. Thats the only way youll gain experience with live corals.


Active Member
From least aggresive-aggresive. You can list the fish you want and ill see if i can help. BUt if its just the clowns and gramma then it doesnt really matter.


2 true perculas
royal gramma
bangai cardinal fish or cardinal fish??? (do u have opinion on either??)
chocolate chip star
live rock
would i need any more clean up crew?
thanks for all of your help so far


Active Member
It wouldnt matter which order you put them in. They are peaceful fish. I do like the banggai over the pajama cardinals. As for a clean up crew id get a few scarlett hermits, a few turbos, and nassarius snails. Which ever you like would be ok. Just be sure to add the live sand and live rock a few weeks before everything else and let you tank cycle.