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i meant bangai or pygmy angel
how much live rock and sand?
someone said i could mix the home depot sand and live sand


Active Member

Originally posted by swimrnum1
i meant bangai or pygmy angel
how much live rock and sand?
someone said i could mix the home depot sand and live sand

I like pygmy angels. If this is going to be a reef set up then you might want to be careful cause it might nip at your corals.


i think im going to go with the pygmy angel
im probably just gonna get some fake coral and live rock and live sand


Active Member
As much as i dislike those fake corals ima say go for it. It is your tank and money you do what makes you happy and as long as you have fun with it then go for it. Gl in swf keeping:D


would it be possible to get a pair of bangai or a pair of pajama cardinals instead of the pygmy angel
and what do you think about the yellow pygmy angel


Active Member
It all depends on your equipment. If you have a good skimmer i would say go ahead. You should look into getting a sump or refugium or even better both. That would give you more water to help balance out your water parameters.


Active Member
Clowns are quite hardy if acclimated correctly and will eat basically eat anything you throw at them. Cardinals are nocturnal and hunt for food at night so they might eat small ornamental shrimp and crabs. I think they are not as hardy as clowns but still a good strong fish.


thanks for all of your help so far.
im going to continue doing a lot of research on this topic until i actually start to purchase items.
would you recommend having more than one chocolate chip star
the only thing that i am concerned about the 2 clowns is that i dont want them to produce offspring because im not physically and mentally capable of keeping them.
how much if you had to make a wild estimate would this cost?
im gonna get the fake coral and fake anemone and live rock and not sure about live sand.


im trying to get the most fish that i can woithout overloading
how much live rock would you recommend ?
i have gotten a wide range of suggestions from anywhere from 10-45 gallons


Active Member
Id suggest 1 cc star. If you get 2 clowns and they spawn theyll be eaten anyways. So you dont have to worry about that too much. As for the total cost, im going to need a list of what you will be getting.


2 clown fish
1 royal gramma
1 pygmy angel
1cc star
whatever clean up crew i would need
live rock (how much??????)
fake coral + fake anemone
home depot sand (probably)


how much live rock would you recommend ?
i have gotten a wide range of suggestions from anywhere from 10-45 pounds
as i said before i want to get the most amount of fish possible without overloading