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Active Member
Take a fresh piece of raw shrimp and feed it to the cc star. It might not eat for a few days while it acclimates to its new environment.


Active Member
You can do that or use a feeding stick or just drop the food next to it. Just be sure that your fish dont steal it from the star.


so u would definetely recommend getting a protein skimmer?
what kind of filter?
and any special type of heater?
is my NEw fish list ok


Active Member
If you run a skimmer and have plenty of live rock then there is no need for a h.o.b filter unless you want to run carbon. You can buy any heater just as long as you keep a constant temp. Your fish list is fine.


oo ok
not thati am going to do it but in the movie Finding Nemo the aquarium in the office was not at all reefy, it had pebbles and like fun decorative stuff in it. (have you even seen the movie!)


Active Member
Yea ive seen the movie and thats why fish dont live for so long. I dont like the fake stuff and prefer the real. People think that they can throw whatever in the tank and think itll survive but the fish they had in the tank mustve been very crowded.


so cleaning out my tank you would recomend mixture of hot water and vinegar? how do you get your saltwater? at my lfs there is this one bag which a guy recommended that is full of saltwater and suposedly all the parameters are near perfect? what order would i add lr and the fake coral and sand or ls?


Active Member
I prefer to soak it in vinegar then rinse out with hot water. You can fill your tank with ro/di water or just ro water and then buy salt and mix it yourself or you can buy those natural sea water, any you choose is fine. You should add the sand firsts then add the water then rocks. Let cycle and then add a fish.


Active Member

Originally posted by swimrnum1
how would you do water changes? and what are they for?

Just siphon out 10-20% of your water and then replace it with fresh saltwater.


bad news that changes my entire outline! i just found out the exact "galonage" of my tank. it is a 20 galon! so i figure that i owuld just might be able to get a pair of clonws and a goby or maybe 2?? and would i still be able to gow ith the chocolate chip star? how much lr would i need know. any different types of skimmers or filters or anything like that????????????????????????????????????????:scared: :scared: :scared: :help: :help: :confused: :eek:


Active Member
2 clowns a goby or 2 and maybe another small fish would do. Star would do ok as well as long as you keep your water params in line.


Active Member
Get about 1-2 lbs of live rock per gallon. And since your tank isnt so big you might not need such an expensive skimmer.


what baoput my new fish list
and what did u say about putting the decorative stuff i.e. treasure chests and things like that in my tank?


Active Member
I said your fish list was fine. you can put in the decorations in anytime. Although i dont like them i wont tell you what to do with your tank.


Active Member
Ive only seen these things in fresh water set ups a rarely in sw. Maybe when they first start off and not know much about swf but usually they take them out and want a more natural look.