Help Please!


Please help me someone! My tank is going ballastic! Last week my nitrite and ammonia levels were high so I did water changes for a few days and they began to drop to as close to zero as one can get. My nitrates were a little high, but they tend to swing in my tank so I didn't worry about it. I added some prime, and phosguard and they begun to drop. now I have this brown algae growing everywhere and my corals are dying! My anemone seems to be doing well, even seems to be growing. My fish look fine its just the algae and coral. I have a 55 with about 35 pounds of live rock, a sweet lips, two percula clowns, two p.j. cardinals and a yellow tang. I have a CPR BakPak on it and a wet dry. Any suggestions?! Thanks!

jam marine


how long has the tank been running,if the tank has been cycled properly u should not have ammonia,it sounds to me like the tank is still going through a cycle.


You didnt say how old your tank is...I agree with it done cycling yet? This could take a few weeks.
Also, could be caused by overfeeding...are you feeding them once a day? twice? are you putting more food in than they can eat in a few minutes?
You could add some carbon to help with the absorption.
Give us more info...


I have had this tank running for about 8 months now...I sure hope cycling is done! :D I feed the fish two formula one frozen squares once a day...



Originally posted by davdunning
I have had this tank running for about 8 months now...I sure hope cycling is done! :D I feed the fish two formula one frozen squares once a day...

That doesnt sound like too much...I feed my fish 2 times a day...once in the morning while Im rushing to work I drop in some flake food. Later that night when I get home, I too use the frozen is brine shrip plus, and the other is algae both from Ocean nutritionals (?)
What I do is cut each cube in half, use only half of each, thaw them out in a cup of water from the tank, then dump it in with a little bit of flake, so that all bases are covered! I feel it is a good mix of nutrients, and covers everyones diets well.