Help please


Which fish poses more of a threat in a reef tank... A HumuHumu Trigger or a porcupine puffer?? Both are about 3 inches long.
I already have some sanls and hermits and they both dont bother them..


Originally Posted by 380Reef
Both are about 3 inches long.
They might be that size now, but both will get much larger. I've seen a porc over 12" and read they can get up to 20"!
Why would you want to put either in a reef tank? Instead of wasting your money on overpriced food (i.e. corals) for your new puffer or trigger just send it to me, ok?


Seriously, I'll use the money to buy the corals you would've bought. I'll even send you pictures so you can pretend that they are in your home! Deal?